Debt Ceiling Drama Risks Market Turmoil Apr 20, 2023 Phil Mackintosh A Record Pace for SPACs in 2021 Jan 6, 2022 Phil Mackintosh Latest News in US Markets January 2025 Review and Outlook Feb 3, 2025•The Market Intelligence Desk Team ...
The debt ceiling was originally a fix made during World War I that enabled bonds to be issued without requiring repeated congressional approvals. But in an era of polarization and rising debt loads, the limit has been transformed into a political bludgeon. It does not reflect the actual capacit...
The U.S. government's cash balance used to pay bills has fallen to its lowest point since 2021, and the government risks running out of money early next month if the statutory debt ceiling is not raised or suspended. The U.S. government's cas...
But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that Democrats will not be putting the debt limit increase in the reconciliation measure. She said Democrats have several "options” for raising the debt ceiling but she did not specify for that they were. ...
The SLFRF was spared from COVID aid funding clawbacks in the bipartisan deal passed by Congress last month to raise the federal debt ceiling because the funds already had been transferred to and local governments. Like other federal COVID relief programs, the state and ...
In a span of 11 months, the U.S. Supreme Court has delivered a one-two punch against the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to combat air and water pollution in twin rulings that cloud future EPA regulatory moves, according to legal experts. ...
Stocks supported on Debt Deal optimism, strong dollar weighs on commodities and cryptos Posted by: Ed Moya May 18, 2023 Share 0 US stocks are rising as the biggest risk on Wall Street’s table appears to be going away. Speaker ... Waiting Game: Debt Ceiling Drama to resume, Inflation...
With debt-ceiling talks apparently at an impasse in Washington, steel industry players are calling on Congress to take a page from the industry and restructure itself. As Congress looks for ways out of hitting the nation's 14.3-trillion dollars debt ceiling on Aug. 2, fiercely debated bipartisa...
Ceiling at the time:$28.4 trillion How it went down:Just as they’re doing this year, Republican lawmakers insisted in 2021 that they wouldn’t vote to raise the debt limit without major changes to the federal government’s spending habits. ...
Yellen’s letter comes after Trump last week sought, unsuccessfully, to get Congress to raise the debt ceiling — or even scrap it entirely — under Biden’s watch before Trump takes office next month. Trump urged House Republican leaders to add an extension of the debt ceiling ...