US Population by ZIP Code (米国の郵便番号別人口) [列] テーブルを展開する Nameデータ型一意値(サンプル)説明 countyName string 1,960 Washington County Jefferson County 郡名。 decennialTime string 2 2010 2000 10 年ごとの国勢調査が行われた時期 (例: 2010、2000)。 maxAge INT 23 9...
Here, we address how severe the change in extreme precipitation compares against the current national standard for precipitation climatology (NOAA Atlas 14) and how much of the population is affected by the underestimation of this risk in the contiguous United States (CONUS). As a result, extreme...
Population - Settings Get link Loading data... Based on 2000-2022 data Loading data... 123 Hide US histogram Our data in action.City-Data Blog. What strange things do people search for on Google? How does income tax affect migration patterns? What features are popular in which type of ...
Here is a sample of rows from the database with some commonly used fields: city state_id state_name county_name lat lng population age_median income zips Coeur d'AleneIDIdahoKootenai47.7040-116.793612868040.17084583815 83814 83816 Idaho FallsIDIdahoBonneville43.4871-112.036211129533.56963083401 83402 834...
I have a population at 2,000 dollars [per capita annual income]. I also need energy, and I am not in a position to pay high prices for oil.” Last April, Jaishankar visited the White House for a virtual summit between Modi and President Biden. There, U.S. officials told their ...
This paper presents data from a recent cross-sectional survey of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in the US, to understand changes
First, by linking CMS data to the NHATS, a population-based cohort, we were able to generate nationally representative estimates of 1-year mortality after major surgery in Medicare beneficiaries for the contiguous US. Second, we used an established definition of major surgery in older persons ...
County Census Data Query URL url\_Counties/Counties 111thCongressional District Query URL url\_CD/Congr...
Pre-election voting is surpassing 2018 levels in 36 states where data is available. Find out how and when to vote in your state here. Are you having difficulty registering or voting, whether in person or by mail? Send us your stories here. Our live coverage has ended for the day. ...