A1 – If you successfully pass AUD, BEC, FAR and REG and retain credit for each before December 31, 2023, you do not need to test under the 2024 CPA Exam. You must simply meet the other requirements for licensure (education and experience requirements, and in many states, an ethics exam...
参加USCPA考试可以在USCPA官网下载USCPA考试手册和在NASBA官网查看报考信息等帮助自己获取有价值的信息。 获取执照基本步骤 确定USCPA报考资格 By visiting the NASBA website, you can learn whether you meet the education requirements needed to take the CPA Exam. M...
这个网站按州名对各州条件进行了汇总,州名点开可以直接链接到该州要求的网页中(各州要求汇总的网址:https://ipassthecpaexam.com/cpa-requirements/)。为了方便比对,我自己将信息汇总做了一个excel用于选州分析: (这个表的链接分享:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1b8itSqwTWpJc4jpagrt4WQ提取码:f016 该表汇总的是...
Candidates may take the CPA Exam in the United States or at one of the international CPA Exam testing centers if they meet the requirements of one of the 55 U.S. jurisdictions. The requirements are as follows: Citizenship and Social Security Number Some states in the US require that applic...
《USCPA_名词解释.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《USCPA_名词解释.docx(240页珍藏版)》请在沃文网上搜索。 1、Glossary of Terms Used in the CMA ExaminationAbandonment 报废Voluntary surrender of property.自动放弃财产。Term :Surrender 投降 屈服 自首 解约 Voluntary 自愿的 自发的 志愿的 故意的 Ab...
L What type of CPA for green card holder questions Sep 5, 2024 lochness1989 Starting and Doing Business in USA Threads 1K Messages 2.8K D How to start a cleaning service business Oct 28, 2024 Daniel.Moore Education in USA Sub-forums Threads 548 Messages 1.5K Writing Essay help...
REG中,需要记忆的部分很多,尤其是相关的法律,美国与国内是有所差别的,因此USCPA考生们需要特别注意。高顿网校USCPA小编今天整理了REG中关于tax credits这一部分的知识点,供考生们参考。 A. Tax Credits in General 注释:对于tax credit是否可返还(refund or not)需要记忆。
Collateral requirements Limitation on how the borrowed money can be used. Maintenance of specific financial ratios 高顿网校温馨提醒 USCPA-美国注册会计师,全球会计*9证,国内人才缺口25万,年薪40W起,如何成为全球财会精英?关注微信号“高顿AICPA”(gaodunaicpa),让我们一起学习USCPA,加入全球精英财会圈,QQ:23556...
A6 – Revision of compilation and review report requirements, per SSARS 24.FAR更新 F1 – ...
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