美国对外关系委员会(USCouncilonForeignRelations)朝鲜问题专家斯奈德(ScottSnyder)说,“即使朝鲜的前门被牢牢关闭,但只 …cn.ibtimes.com|基于1 个网页 2. 对外关系委员会 美国最重要的智库之一——对外关系委员会(USCouncilonForeignRelations)资深研究员亚当·西格尔(AdamSegal),在其去年出 …www.21cbh.com|基于1...
US-Council on Foreign Relations - Global Governance MonitorFriedrich Magnani
美国智库外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)今年10月底援引专家的话分析称,特朗普承诺的美国历史上最大规模的无证移民驱逐行动,将造成沉重的经济成本。美国智库彼得森国际经济研究所估计,到2028年,驱逐130万至830万无证移民将使美国实际国内生产总值(GDP)减少7%,并显著减少美国就业、降低需求、增加通货膨胀。 根据...
美国智库外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)今年6月分析称,随着俄乌冲突的持续,大多数成员国有望于今年首次兑现这一国防开支承诺,而美国未来对欧洲安全承诺的不确定性也意味着这一目标可能仍是不够的。 五个参与国防部长会议的国家中,波兰作为北约国防支出最多的国家以超4.1%的开支一骑绝尘,英国、法国和德...
He is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Member of United States Trade Representative’s Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee, Chair of the International Trade Law Committee of the American Branch of the International Law Association, Director of Trade Policy Research at the...
The US should handle Taiwan-related issues with prudence to avoid further severe damage to the overall situation of Sino-US relations and peace and stability across the Straits, he added. Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the T...
陆书泽 Ludger Schuknecht Vice President and Corporate Secretary, AIIB 马内林·卡尔 Professor Madeline Carr University College London 詹姆斯·克拉布特里 James Crabtree European Council on Foreign Relations How to Attend? 参与方式 W...
Ukraine is “capable of mounting a serious opposition” against Russian forces at this point, Thomas Graham of the Council on Foreign Relations told CNBC on Friday. “The Ukrainians are very proud of what they’ve done. They’re proud of their country, they’re proud of their i...
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