TOKYO (AP) — U.S. climate envoy John Kerry was in Tokyo on Tuesday to discuss efforts to fight climate change with top Japanese officials ahead of a United Nations conference in November.
Climate change and environmental sustainability are key policy issues in the 2024 US election, with Democrats prioritizing these topics, while much of the Republican discourse remains skeptical. Southeast Asia could play a key role in any future US green initiatives. With several ASEAN countries commit...
We strive to do things differently so that we can consistently become better—for our customers, our employees, the communities where we do business, and the environment. Read our latest Sustainability Report > One planet, one goal With an unwavering commitment to a healthier planet, we’re con...
Mentioning cooperation in such fields as counter-narcotics, law enforcement, climate change, science and technology, artificial intelligence and youth exchanges, Wang said that relevant progress has been widely welcomed by Chinese and Americans across the sectors as well as the international community...
Growing concerns around climate change among travelers force the aerospace sector to reduce its carbon footprint. Technological innovations aid them in achieving this goal and transitioning to sustainable operations. For example, biofuels reduce the dependence of aerospace operations on fossil fuels to cut...
The goal of FinOps is to help companies manage and maintain accountability for cloud usage and costs. In this Knowledge Short podcast, David Linthicum explains what FinOps is, how it can help companies control cloud costs better, and how culture change and automation play a key role in FinOps...
Both sides stated that the two heads of state will “maintain regular contact”, and committed to promoting further exchanges in strategic areas, including diplomacy, military, economy, finance, business, and climate change. Day 1095 (January 19, 2024): China and the US Hold the Third Meeting...
Updated October 18, 2024 at 5:56 PM 90% of climate-related deaths occur in poorer countries. 17 October is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty – and a reminder that we need the #BreakTheCycle of poverty, vulnerability & disasters. Show more— UNDRR (@UNDRR) October 17, ...
The release was made public on Saturday following a meeting of the two countries' working group on enhancing climate action in the 2020s, which is co-led by, John Podesta, US' senior advisor to the president for international climate policy and China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Liu ...
To address climate change, many of the world's major countries have signed the Paris Agreement. The temperature goal of the Paris Agreement is to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and ideally 1.5 °C, which will help us avoid the most severe impacts of ...