Zhao, who is also a citizen of Canada, stepped down as CEO of Binance last week after pleading guilty to willfully causing the exchange to fail to maintain an effective anti-money laundering program. U.S. District Judge Richard Jones in Seattle said he would review...
I am not saying that you should get married to a U.S. citizen just to get a visa – this could have worked in 1960’s, but today it is hard if you think you can beat the system today. The USCIS will be watching you and if it is fake, the way the...
citizen to be presented the medal for fighting in the Vietnam War. He is the eighth-youngest living Medal of Honor recipient. Peter Pace Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal Peter Pace (born November 5, 1945) is a United States Marine Corps general...
In the US, companies that want to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals need to get advance approval for their plans from the US Department of Energy. There was a recent news item saying, “Biden pauses LNG export approvalsunder pressure from climate activists.” After looking in...
In the 1930s President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to consider legislation (which it subsequently rejected) that would have allowed the president to appoint an additional justice for each member of the court aged 70 years or older who refused to retire. 1 of 2 U.S. Supreme CourtThe...
In October 1971Nixonnominated Rehnquist to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court left by the retirement of JusticeJohn Marshall Harlan. Given his legal and politicalconservatism, Rehnquist was a logical choice for Nixon, who wished to use the appointment as a way of curtailing the percei...
How to Retire on $500K If you’reshopping for a cellphone plan, look for one with perks for seniors. Make sure the details of the plan fit your lifestyle and specific needs. Here are several AT&T: Check what you're currently AARP prescription savings:Members and nonmembers can save on ...
class, innocent and have to pay for a lawyer. There will be blood. There will be a loss of faith in government similar to the reaction to the sex problems in the Catholic priesthood that had the last Pope “retire” (another set of stiff necked officials that couldn’t admit a problem...
For all the stories of American families who’ve bidadieuto the United States to give their kids adifferent upbringingin France, decamped to Italy for abetter lifestyleor made the move to Portugal toafford health careand retire on the cheap, there are plenty of Europeans who’ve crossed the...
Moreover, if you are a U.S. resident but not a U.S. citizen, the guidelines for receiving Social Security benefits outside of the U.S. may vary by marital status, age, time in the country, or other factors. You should check theSocial Security Administration’s specificationsfor your si...