"USA"是"United States of America"的缩写,强调的是一个国家的概念。"US"则是"United States"的缩写,更常出现在正式文件和官方场合,尤其在政治和外交语境中。例如,"U.S. president"指的是美国总统,"U.S. citizen"指的是美国公民。2. 正式程度的不同:在正式场合,如政治声明、法律文件或国...
在英文报刊的标题中,我们经常能看到加黑加粗的“US”,以突出显示。在较为正式的场合,尤其是涉及政治和外交的话题时,通常会使用“United States”或“US”,而不是“America”。例如,“U.S. president”指的是美国总统,“U.S. citizen”指的是美国公民。3. 正式性与范围的差异:“USA”是最...
2、场合不同:US是United States的缩写,意思是“合众国”。我们经常可以在一些英文报刊上看到标题中加黑加粗的US,非常醒目。在相对正式的场合,特别是涉及到政治和外交的时候,基本上都会使用United States或者是US而不是America. 比如:U.S. president:美国总统 U.S. citizen:美国公民.3、范围不...
比如:U.S. president:美国总统 U.S. citizen:美国公民. 3、范围不同:而USA,则是最正式最完整的美国说法,全称是 the United States of America,翻译为“美利坚合众国”,由于比较长,而且颇为正式,所以在日常生活中不太常用。 USA使用最多的,应该是在奥运会等体育赛事上了,这与国际体育赛事管理机构的规定有关,...
uscitizenpod: US Citizenship Resources for African-American History Month and Citizenship, Immigration, and Government Resources in African Languages ESL Library: Kwanzaa Google Arts and Culture: Sharing the Timeless Principles of Kwanzaa through Stamps and Buttons NMAAHC: Kwanzaa Share America: American...
Only US citizens (either by birth or naturalisation) and certain non-citizen US nationals. Where can I go with a US passport? According to the latest Nomad Passport Index , there are 172 visa-free countries for US citizens. These include countries included in the visa waiver program and coun...
parents, my grandparents, or, as we say in Tagalog, lolo and lola. Lolo's name was Teofilo. When he legally emigrated to America and became a naturalized citizen, he changed his name from Teofilo to Ted, after Ted Danson from the TV show "Cheers." Can't get any more American than...
"Current Sino-US relations experience a lot of tension and back-and-forth political maneuvering that make day-to-day business tough," Zhang said. "Although I am a US citizen and our company is an American company, our 28-year history is rooted in China where we have many long-term partn...
Citizen text This app is great and helps me so much to understand and know about the United States history, truly recommend. Developer Response, Thank you very much! Beanyoola,07/31/2019 No sound You have to seat and flip the question. The video which I thought made it better, did not...
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