Can I get healthcare in Canada as a US Citizen? Where can I get "free" healthcare? What Should Americans Look for in an International Plan for US Expats? Cheap Health Insurance Is Not Always the Best Option Moving to a new country can sound very exciting. You will be tempted to start...
One of the most critical rights obtained when you become a citizen is your right to vote. Citizens have an equal say in the electoral process and can help make decisions regarding the officials they would like to represent them and the laws they would like to live under. Protection From Dep...
Being a US citizen offers many responsibilities and benefits. Here we briefly look at what it means to be a US Citizen and how to become one.
I am a Turkish citizen living in Austria. I need a B1/B2 visa for a conference in September (18th-23rd). The earliest interview appointment in Vienna/Austria varies between the 22nd of September and October. Unfortunately, conferences are explicitly ruled out for an expedited appointment. I am...
Global Citizen October 9, 2024 Once considered the best, most powerful travel document in the world, the US passport is beginning to lose its appeal. That’s evident from many sources, including our own Nomad Passport Index which, in 2024, ranks the US passport in a lowly 44th place, ...
How long will getting a visa take? What kind of visas are available?You’ve come to the right place.In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know as a US citizen applying for a Chinese visa. First of all, despite the fact that China has opened up it’svisa-fr...
Whether you’re an expat wishing to live and work in Singapore or a local Singaporean citizen yourself, our team of specialists will be more than happy to help you out. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us or get a free quote here. Frequently Asked Questions Ho...
Can a US citizen get a mortgage in Canada? So, can an American get a mortgage in Canada? The simple answer is yes, but there are some things to consider. You’ll typically need a larger down payment than a Canadian resident – and you won’t qualify for government support, such as ...
in the 1990s and became an American citizen in 2008. “Whether helping new citizens navigate the area and become citizens or volunteering as I have for the past three years on the Loudoun County Board of Equalization, I understand the importance of having accessible, hands-on help from our ...
Note that not all countries recognize dual citizenship, and in some cases, you might be forced to give up your original citizenship to become naturalized. How Do You Become a Dual Citizen of Canada? Canadian citizenship is increasingly attractive to prospective migrants, due to the attract...