List of the largest cities in the United States, ranked by population, using the the latest 2024 census population data.
In terms of population size, the sex ratio in the United States favors females, although the gender gap is remaining stable. In 2010, there were around 5.17 million more women, with the difference projected to decrease to around 3 million by 2027. Gender ratios by U.S. state In the Uni...
Free and commercial U.S. cities databases. Includes latitude, longitude, population, county, zip codes, timezone, income and more. CSV, SQL and Excel format.
Here is a list of all 50 U.S. states arranged alphabetically, including their capitals, largest cities, abbreviations, population, area, state nicknames, and census regions. Click on any U.S. State for its Map & Information StateAbbreviationsPopulation (Census 2020)Area (sq mi)CapitalLargest ...
Yes. The database includes both counties and county equivalents as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. This includes parishes (Louisiana), boroughs (Alaska), population census areas (Alaska), and independent cities (Virginia) among others. ...
The population of cities receiving all of their power from clean orrenewable resources will more than quadruple in 2019, if the citiesmeet their commitments, which industry observers acknowledgepresent significant challenges.Through the end of 2018, the Sierra Club identified six cities thathave met ...
A historical list of the largest cities in the United States from the 2000 census, ranked by population
areatype_text string 14 Counties and equivalents Cities and towns above 25,000 population Name of the area type. footnote_codes string 5 nan P measure_code string 4 5 4 Code identifying element measured. 03: unemployment rate, 04: unemployment, 05: employment, 06: labor force. See https:...
population tends to skew a bit older, with a median age of 41. Nonetheless, if it’s nightlife you want, you will find it and more as a resident of the Magic City. Many other Florida cities are experiencing rapid population growth, as there are 10 more Sunshine State cities on this ...
Drivers in major U.S. cities lost an average of 51 hours to traffic in 2022, according to a recent analysis. Chris GilliganMay 24, 2023 These Are the Richest Cities in the U.S. Many of the wealthiest locales in the U.S. are on the West Coast. ...