US-CHINA RELATIONS AND THE SOUTH CHINA SEA CONFLICTHussain, NazirTabbasum, SobeaJournal of Contemporary Studies
The meaning of SOUTH CHINA SEA is the part of the western Pacific enclosed by southeastern China, Taiwan, Philippines, Indochina, Malaya, and Borneo.
In the bilateral talks, the two sides discussed China's support for Russia during the ongoing Ukraine war, as well as China's actions in the South China Sea, said a U.S. senior defense official briefing reporters on the meetings. On Sunday, the ...
CCTV voiceover:Lu Kang said the Chinese side has always respected and defended the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by every country in the South China Sea under international law, but firmly opposes any country harming China’s sovereignty and security interests in the name of [Freedo...
U.S. South China Sea policies have undergone several rounds of profound changes since the end of the 1990s, evolving from “staying neutral” to “limited intervention”, and then “active intervention”. This is because, on one hand, with Chinese comprehensive national strength continuously rising...
A Foreign Ministry spokesman made the remark after a US aircraft carrier group entered the South China Sea on Saturday to promote "freedom of the seas".
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe recently said he would raise the issue of China's construction work in the South China Sea at the G7 summit in Bavaria, Germany, on June-7-8. Before that, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter had said China's reclamation work in the South China Sea ...
After the Cold War,China's geopolitical situation experiences enormous and far-reaching changes.Due to the changes of security,economic and other factors,China pursues the status of sea power and gradually but firmly began to show its sea power potential. The South China Sea,as the largest sea...
s island-building as changing the so-called “status quo” in the South China Sea as well as provocation to other claimants. The US explicitly explained its concern about the pace and scope of the construction and the potential military use of the facilities. It pressured China to “freeze...
China's foreign minister Wang Yi has spoken with the United States Secretary of State John Kerry over the phone regarding the country's claims over the South China Sea. Wang warned Washington against moves that infringe on China's sovereignty. He also reiterated China's rejection of the jurisdi...