A Foreign Ministry spokesman made the remark after a US aircraft carrier group entered the South China Sea on Saturday to promote "freedom of the seas".
Tran Truong Thuy."China,ASEAN,U.S.In theSouth China Sea:Rebalancing in the Triangle".the international conference on"The South China Sea:Coop-eration for Regional Security and Development". 2012Tran Truong Thuy. "China,ASEAN,U.S.In the South China Sea:Rebalancing in the Triangle"[A].Ho ...
South China Seapower transitionmaritime disputesHow do the United States and China perceive each other's role in the South China Sea disputes? In this paper, we trace how interactions between the US and ChinaFravel, M. TaylorMiura, Kacie...
China dismisses US views on South China Sea 中国不同意美国在南海问题观点2016-06-04 21:08:36 看看新闻Knews综合关键词: China中国US美国SouthSea南海Shanghai Live上海国际频道推荐视频 00:15 法国总理府举行交接 弗朗索瓦·贝鲁担任总理 时讯3天前 00:09 马克龙任命新总理 73岁弗朗索瓦·贝鲁履新 一眼看...
China has issued stiff condemnation over the revelation of a U.S. nuclear submarine was in the South China Sea after the vessel collided with an unknown object. The USS Connecticut made contact with an object while submerged Tuesday, causing several non-life-threatening injuries to the crew on...
The meaning of EAST CHINA SEA is sea in the western Pacific between China (on the west), South Korea (on the north), Japan and Ryukyu Islands (on the east), and Taiwan (on the south).
After the Cold War,China's geopolitical situation experiences enormous and far-reaching changes.Due to the changes of security,economic and other factors,China pursues the status of sea power and gradually but firmly began to show its sea power potential. The South China Sea,as the largest sea...
China-U.S. competition and rivalry in the South China Sea is structural, strategic, and irreconcilable. Preventing conflicts there from damaging bilateral ties is a practical imperative for decision-makers in both countries.
CCTV voiceover:Lu Kang said the Chinese side has always respected and defended the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by every country in the South China Sea under international law, but firmly opposes any country harming China’s sovereignty and security interests in the name of [Freedo...
China and the US stepped up their war of words over territorial disputes in the South China Sea at the weekend, with the Chinese foreign ministry calling in a senior US diplomat to protest about remarks by the US state department. China last month shocked its neighbours by establishing a new...