While this site is focused on1900 censusandCensus Records, there are a host of other record types and Web sites that may be of interest. Here are some of our favorites: ¤LDS Church(the Mormon Church) ¤Genealogy 101Tips for Beginners & Free forms ¤Ellis Island(The Statue of Liberty-Ell...
Many companies will use ZCTA data released by the U.S. Census and claim it as the true ZIP Code Area. They will do this and claim "it's close enough for most needs". ZIP-Codes.com takes data quality seriously, and "close enough" is not good enough. We license the true updated ZIP...
Ancestry: Explore your roots with access to more than 7 billion names in more than 4,000 genealogical databases including Census Records, Passenger Lists and UK, and Ireland records. O'Reilly: Is an e-reference business and information technology library where you can search across thousands of ...
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[American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and multiracial]), marital status, geographic region, educational level, census-tract household median income and college education rate (both based on geocoded data), retirement...
Census.gov The US Census Bureau provides various APIs and data sets on demographics and businesses No Yes Unknown City, Berlin Berlin(DE) City Open Data No Yes Unknown City, Gdańsk Gdańsk (PL) City Open Data No Yes Unknown City, Gdynia Gdynia (PL) City Open Data No No Unknown City, ...
State estimates of the total female and male adult population (age, ≥30 years) were obtained from the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.19 Covariates We used NVDRS data on basic sociodemographic characteristics, including age at the time of death, sex, and race/ethnicity as ...
Images reproduced by FamilySearch.Original data - Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the; Repository: #R2 Source: S61 Ancestry.com 1840 United States Federal Census Publication: Name: Online publication...
In January, 2010, VAPS began to allow any records in our database to be added to the census project. This made sense as many collectors of coin-operated videogames owned other types of coin-operated machines, and additionally, since the International Arcade Museum's only encyclopedia had conta...
2,16,17 Data sources used for quantifying nonfatal outcomes are available online in the GBD results tool.18 Fatal estimates were obtained from vital registration data (death records from the National Center for Health Statistics and population counts from the US Census Bureau). The single cause ...