The US Foodprint Model accepted data inputs on current (2012) and projected (2030) population size, food intake, and crop yields. Data on current and projected population size were obtained from the US Census Bureau. Data on current food intake were acquired from the National Health and ...
The Census Bureau released its long-term population projections in November. They paint a more pessimistic outlook for the US than its last set released in 2017. We previously used the Census data as a basis for our long-term population forecast, but we are not convinced incorporating the new...
Point estimates represent climate change impacts projected from the estimated parameters of the response functions and the confidence intervals are projections from 1000 draws of the statistical uncertainty of the response functions. The four specifications are listed on the horizontal axis: piecewise ...
This cross-sectional study examines recent data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program and US Census to estimate projections for US
especially if distributional impacts are not managed7. Presently, it is estimated that the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act8will create over 5 million clean-energy job-years in the next decade9and will reduce the gap between current policy projections and the aim of halving emissions by 2030 from ...
Can we screen for pelvic organ prolapse without a physical examination in epidemiologic studies? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006;195(4):942-94816681989PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 8. US Census Bureau. US interim projections by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin: 2000-2050. http://www.census....
2010-2021 values calculated based on the US Census population characteristics for 2010-2019 and 2020-2021. Projection values calculated based on population projections shown in the total population of the United States. Values have been rounded to provide a better understanding of the statistic. Cit...
income streams over a long time horizon, such as Treasury bonds. This cohort is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, with the proportion of Americans 65 years and older rising from about 17 per cent in 2020 to 21 per cent in 2030, according to projections by theUS Census Bureau...
then, using us census figures for us men in 2004 and projected estimates for 2030, we used the direct-adjustment method to calculate age-adjusted prevalence of ded among us men currently and projected estimates for 2030, respectively. projections assumed current rates of ded. we also compared ...
Demand for sawmill equipment and machinery stems from growth projections and replacement cycles, while recent material innovations hold promise for extending product lifespans Sawmill equipment and machinery encompasses a wide range of machinery and tools used in the process of converting logs into lumber...