Population prior to 1947 is a Mid-year estimate sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau.Further information about United States population data In the latest reports, United States Unemployment Rate remained the same at 3.7 % in Dec 2023 Monthly earnings of the United States population was 4,701.8...
Clusterings for the US Current Population Survey.CPScluster
The NHANES is an annual cross-sectional survey conducted by the US government. Participants are selected through a 4-stage probability sampling design, selecting primary sampling units by the county-level, then by census block–level, and then by households in the 50 states and the District of ...
This article reports new evidence on teacher moonlighting from the US Current Population Survey. I investigate the determinants of teacher moonlighting and examine the effect that the teacher moonlighting has on the number of hours teachers spend on their primary job. I find that male teachers and ...
Census data 2018 US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey data at a county scale is utilized in the population analysis. The data are publicly available from the United States Census Bureau (https://www.census.gov/en.html). Categorization method A change in extreme precipitation is categoriz...
24,25 The ACS is the US Census Bureau’s survey of all individuals in the US; it samples about 1% of the population annually. Population data are weighted by the Census Bureau to make the information representative of the nation. Race/ethnicity were self-reported. The IPEDS is operated by...
Nearly all of the demographic variables come from the 2022 American Community Survey (5-year estimate) which is run by the United States Census Bureau. The value ofpopulationis estimated using 2022 ACS 1-year data (when available for urban areas) and 2022 ACS 5-year data when not. ...
Survey respondent demographics reflect the population as defined by the US Census Bureau, meaning that the number of respondents for each service can be used as a proxy for overall utilization by the demographic. Our survey results show that respondents from underrep...
— up from the 3.5 million counted in the 2010 census. Most trace their roots to Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Over the past three years, several colleges and university systems have moved to prohibit caste discrimination. In December 2019, Brandeis University near ...
18 Fatal estimates were obtained from vital registration data (death records from the National Center for Health Statistics and population counts from the US Census Bureau). The single cause of death was determined using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Ninth Revision, ...