US Census PA Employment and Population Data every county in Pennsylvania About Dataset The dataset contains US Census data for every county in Pennsylvania. I highly suggest you check out:Pennsylvania Counties US Census Data Cleaning Notebookto get an overview of the dataset. ...
County Census Data Query URLurl Copy\_Counties/Counties 111th Congressional District Query URLurl Copy
The Census Bureau's Diversity Index measures the probability that two people chosen at random will be from different race and ethnicity groups. Explore how each state ranks and see how these estimates have changed over the past decade.
As an industry leader, we provide demographic data, us census, demographic estimates, geocoding & mapping software for social studies & marketing research.
Last month, when the U.S. Census Bureau released county-level data that showed identical population loss, New York City's planners took umbrage with the federal agency's methodology, saying international migrants were undercounted. With the exceptions of Phoenix and San Antonio, the phenomenon...
Data suppression, done to protect the confidentiality of individual firms and people, compounds the more general paucity of rural economic data in the US. This article evaluates the use of linear programming for estimating suppressed values in the important US Census data series County Business ...
This September marks the third annual campaign to raise disaster readiness and response education Wed 02 August 2023 4 minutes Looking Ahead to 2030 A look at the Census Bureau's newest developments on the next decennial censusBrowse Census Data by State Alaska Alabama Arkansas Arizona California ...
s = requests.session() s.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'census-demo/0.0'}) c = Census("MY_API_KEY", session=s) You can also replace the session used by a specific data set: c.sf1.session = s Examples The geographic name for all census tracts for county 170 in Alaska: ...
census-2010-geographic-comparability-file-2010-to-2000-places us census 2010 geographic comparability file for 2010 to 2000 places Nov 4, 2013 cities-and-towns us cities and towns shapefile data Oct 16, 2013 civicspace-zip-code-database
(MSM) cannot be estimated in local contexts because demographic data on sexual behavior, particularly same-sex behavior, are not routinely collected by large-scale surveys that allow analysis at state, county, or finer levels, such as the US decennial census or the American Community Survey (ACS...