ZIP Codes Database used in mail addresses also in geographics in US by the US Census Bureau. The database contains ZIP Codes, latitude, longitude.关键词:美国,邮编,时区,邮件地址,地理,经度,纬度, U.S.,zip code,timezone,mail address,geographic,latitude,longitude,数据格式:TEXT 数据详细介绍:US...
ZIPCodesDatabaseusedinmailaddressesalsoingeographicsinUSby theUSCensusBureau.ThedatabasecontainsZIPCodes,latitude, longitude. 关键词: 美国,邮编,时区,邮件地址,地理,经度,纬度,U.S.,zip code,timezone,mailaddress,geographic,latitude,longitude, 数据格式: ...
Since zip codes are often used for these purposes, the US Census Bureau calculates the approximate boundaries of zip code areas. These areas are called Zip Code Tabulation Areas. Are all zip codes ZCTAs (Zip Code Tabulation Areas)? No. Some zip codes are for PO boxes only, unique to ...
"zip code tabulation area"✔✔✔ *=discontinued in 2022 †= unavailable in 2022 For more information about the files translated herein please visit the Census Bureau'sCartographic Boundary File Description Page For a comparison of the available formats of geographic area files, please visit ...
A census ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) is a statistical region corresponding to a US Postal Service ZIP Code used by the US Census Bureau to collect statistics about local residents. Places are outside the US Census Bureau's hierarchy of states, counties, county subdivisions, census tracts,...
US population by gender and race for each US ZIP code sourced from 2000 and 2010 Decennial Census.This dataset is sourced from United States Census Bureau’s Decennial Census Dataset APIs. Review Terms of Service and Policies and Notices for the terms and conditions related to the use this dat...
19 We calculated the proportion of the population living below the FPL in each county using data from the US Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates.24 Statistical Analysis To explore the factors associated with increased requests to Aid Access per 10 000 women of reproductive...
US Census Bureau. Table C17002: American Community Survey, 5-year estimates. Accessed August 23, 2021. C17002&tid=ACSDT1Y2019.C17002 25. US Census Bureau. Table DP04: American Community Survey, 5-year estimates. Accessed August 23, 2021. htt...
A list of United States ZIP Codes based on theUS Census Bureau's ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs). 💁 Before using ZIP codes, there's helpful points to know: USPS ZIP codes are short and memorable, but they aren't very good for geolocation. Their main use is for local mail routes...
These data sources contain a subset of 2010 US Census data sourced from theUS Census Bureau. The United States collects census data once every ten years. The last US Census was in 2010 and the next one is scheduled for 2020. These data sources provide Census data based on 4 types...