We estimate the population and property datasets for each city using the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) system demographic and economic data records available from the US Census Bureau (https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/tiger-data.2010...
Census.gov The US Census Bureau provides various APIs and data sets on demographics and businesses No Yes Unknown City, Berlin Berlin(DE) City Open Data No Yes Unknown City, Gdańsk Gdańsk (PL) City Open Data No Yes Unknown City, Gdynia Gdynia (PL) City Open Data No No Unknown City, ...
The Census Office documents and seven national newspapers, namely, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Miami Herald, The Arizona Republic, San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times will be analysed. They represent the areas with large immigrant populations, on the ...
Wolff (1992) ‘The Impact of a North American Free Trade Agreement on California: A Summary of Key Research Findings’, Working Paper No. 3 (Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, University of California, Los Angeles). Google Scholar Hoglund, W. E. (1993) ‘Detroit Sees More Exports ...
McKinsey research has shown that only 44 percent of not-for- profit institutions have representative student populations (see sidebar "Toward a more equitable 16 Analysis based on data from the College Board, IPEDS, National Student Clearinghouse, ...
- Census Bureau Releases Safety Glass Import and Export Values - Medina Glass Block Files for Chapter 11 Protection - IGMA Announces Two New Publications: 25-Year Field Correlation Study Report/IGMAC Glass Design Program (GD_2008) - AAMA Releases New Document Addressing Specification for Field Tes...
In October 2022, there were 10.3 million job openings according to the Census Bureau, but many business leaders complain of not being able to find qualified workers. At the same time, labor force participation rates have fallen to 62 percent fro...
“10 Most Expensive Major Cities” and “10 Least Expensive Major Cities” tables. You can also browsedoxoINSIGHTS’ regional bill comparison databaseto see infographics about more than 900 cities and towns in the country (cities demarcated by the US Census Bureau’s Core Based Statistical Areas...
US Census Bureau US Bureau of Labor Statistics US International Trade Commission Analysts also use industry specific sources to complement catch-all sources, although their perspective may focus on a particular organization or representative body, rather than a clear overview of all industry operations....
Figure 4. World natural gas consumption by extent of inter-regional trade based on data from the2023 Statistical Review of World Energyby the Energy Institute. In this analysis, Europe is a separate region, as are the United States and Russia. ...