Using Multiple Qualitative Methods at the US Census Bureau to aid the Design of a Data Collection Software for Business UsersThe U.S. Census Bureau collects data from businesses in more than 100 annual, quarterly, or monthly surveys, as well as an economic census every...
found that 93 percent of the companies that responded to its annual survey “believe engaging with small and diverse suppliers has a positive impact on their company internally and externally, a 15% increase from 2021.” Fifty-four percent of businesses in that supplier....
Census Bureau, up 17% from a January survey, when the figure was about 10.4 million households. Vilsack also said the USDA is making an additional $400 million in grants available to U.S. fertilizer producers, on top of a previously announced $500 million, to shore u...
CEIC extends history for annual Population. The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides year-end Population. Population prior to 1947 excludes residents of Alaska and Hawaii. Population prior to 1947 is a Mid-year estimate sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau....
To conduct their analysis, Han and his colleagues used two data sets through the Penn State Census Research Data Center. The first, the 2018 Annual Business Survey, administered jointly by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau, collected detailed fi...
Our friends at 27/7 WallSt have done it again. Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2022 American Community Survey, the website identified the 35 poorest counties in New York State. Data included poverty levels, unemployment numbers, overall population, and median household incomes. Can...
Census data 2018 US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey data at a county scale is utilized in the population analysis. The data are publicly available from the United States Census Bureau ( Categorization method A change in extreme precipitation is categoriz... Google Scholar United States Census Bureau, 2018b United States Census Bureau Historical table 4. Estimated annual US retail trade sales - total and E-commerce: 1998-2016 ...
Design, Setting, and Participants Analysis of trends in insurance coverage based on repeated cross sections of the US Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey data, using linear regression to adjust for respondent’s demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and state of residence. More than 1.2 mi...
The Service Annual Survey (SAS) from the US Census Bureau provides estimates of revenue and expenditure data for most traditional service industries21, and is used in the disaggregation of the waste management industries (i.e., Use table columns). ...