We estimate the population and property datasets for each city using the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) system demographic and economic data records available from the US Census Bureau (https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/tiger-data.2010...
Combining high-resolution satellite-based temperature data with sociodemographic data from the US Census, we find that the average person of color lives in a census tract with higher summer daytime surface urban heat island (SUHI) intensity than non-Hispanic whites in all but 6 of the 175 larges...
A multilevel, multivariate logistic regression model, with US Census Bureau geographic region included as a random intercept, was estimated to examine differences in persistent opioid use between surgical types while controlling for patient characteristics, including age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, ...
To put things in perspective, 40 to 45 million Americans are estimated to be living below the federal poverty line, according to the 2017 annual report by the U.S. Census Bureau. "The arrival of the Chinese company brought an overwhelming sense of hope and optimism to the entire community,...
The classification of race and ethnicity in the NSDUH survey was based on the self-identification of respondents, using the racial and ethnic classifications established by the US Census Bureau, including African American, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, Hispanic, multiple races, Native ...
The underlying shapefiles used to generate the map data are derived from theUS Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefileswhich are not copyrighted but do suggest citation. Seesection 1.2 of this document. If you wish to citeusmapin a publication (appreciated but never required!), you may do so...
there were 10.3 million job openings according to the Census Bureau, but many business leaders complain of not being able to find qualified workers. At the same time, labor force participation rates have fallen to 62 percent from a high of 67 percent in the late 1990s, as workers are unable...
US Census Bureau 2010 Census. 2010 https://www. census.gov/2010census/ (accessed 15 Dec 2017).US Census Bureau 2010 Census. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2014, from http://www.census.gov/2010census/data/CENSUS, U. B. O. (2010). US Census Bureau 2010 Census....
Health insurance coverage trends also shifted between 2017 and 2018, with the uninsured rate rising from 7.9% to 8.5% for the first year-over-year increase since 2009, according to the Census Bureau. That uptick was largely driven by a decline in public health coverage fo...
2000年,SRC LLO与美国人口普查局(US. Census bureau)签订合约。 2006年,SRC LLO发布 Alteryx软件,一款用于构建统一的空间和非空间数据环境的数据分析应用程序。 2011年,Alteryx从 SAP AG的投资部门 SAP Ventures筹集了600万美元的风险投资。 2013年,Alteryx从 SAP Ventures和 Toba Capital获得了1200万美元的A轮投资...