While the data collection will go online, to a large extent, there will also be new tools and methods to collect and use the 2020 Census data. The Census Bureau has contracted withEsrito create tools and applications for the 2020 Census. One book,GIS and the 2020 Census: Modernizing Offici...
第一,这些统计软件,都是调用的US Census发布的X-13-ARIMA-SEAT程序模块,结果没有差异;第二,US Census有详细的操作手册,比较适合自学,其他统计软件的文档不太详细,不太适合自己定制;第三,US Census的程序输出结果非常丰富,比较适合二次加工。 笔者近期研究了一下X-13-ARIMA-SEAT程序,恰逢1月份金融数据发布,由于金...
If we look at changes from the 2010 to the 2020 Census, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia are trending less religious. While North Carolina, Nevada, and Arizona became more religious. Image:If US swing states vote along the lines of religious trends, they...
County-wise population data were obtained from the US Census19 using the R package tidycensus20. Data on ICU bed availability per county was obtained from Kaiser Health News21. As per The New York Times, cases and deaths reported from New York, Kings, Queens, Bronx and Richmond counties ...
Fields, J. et al. Design and operation of the 2020 Household Pulse Survey.U.S. Census Bureau.(2020). U. S. Census Bureau. Vaccine Hesitancy for COVID-19.https://data.cdc.gov/stories/s/Vaccine-Hesitancy-for-COVID-19/cnd2-a6zw/. Accessed February 9, 2023. ...
第一步:进入US Census的下载页面,找到左上角的Download Win X-13如下图所示,点击进入。 第二步:找到下载页面中的winx13_V2.5.zip,点击下载。 第三步:这是一个压缩文件,下载之后解压缩,就是US Census所发布的X-13-ARIMA-SEAT程序,但是这个程序还无法提供WINDOWS系统下的可视化界面。
US Census Bureau - home page for Win X-13 program, a Windows interface to the X-13ARIMA-SEATS Seasonal Adjustment program. This interface will create the input files necessary for seasonally adjusting a series with X-13ARIMA-SEATS, run X-13ARIMA-SEATS and display the output files, create ...
Cartographic Boundary Files(U.S. Census Bureau, 2020). White, G. F.Human Adjustment to Floods: a Geographical Approach to the Flood Problem in the United States(Univ. Chicago, 1942). de Ruig, L. T. et al. How the USA can benefit from risk-based premiums combined with flood protection...
The region (rural vs. urban) variable was derived from metropolitan statistical areas defined by the US Census core-based statistical areas (CBSAs). Individuals living in a CBSA with a population fewer than 50,000 residents were classified as living in a non-metropolitan setting. Individuals’ ...
Published September 29, 2020. https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/nsch/technical-documentation/nonresponse/2019-NSCH-Nonresponse-Bias-Analysis.pdf Change to Open Access Status JAMA Pediatrics Correction July 1, 2022 Pandemic’s Paradoxical Effect on Child Health and Well-being JAMA Pediatrics ...