“US Cellular”运营商业内叫“自由运营商”,这个运营商就像早期支付宝五福中的沾沾卡(consumer Cellular就像敬业福),他的奇葩之处在于:在全新未激活状态下你拿什么运营商卡来激活,激活后它就是这个运营商的策略。早期华强北大佬都是用V卡激活“US Cellular”运营商,激活之后就是V版,V版=无锁,但是从目前...
At UScellular® in Whitewater, it's our goal to help make sure you stay connected. That's why we have voice and data plan coverage—from north to south, east to west— so you'll have the cell service you need no matter where you go. Looking for a trusted phone store near you ...
此外,使用Consumer Cellular运营商的用户不必担心反锁的问题,因为它本来就是有锁的,只是在中国区无限制,所以不会突然某一天被锁住无法使用的情况,当然也别指望变成全球无锁iPhone。总结而言,US Cellular和Consumer Cellular这两个运营商通常被认为是无锁手机的运营商。虽然查询结果和手机设置中可能显示“有锁”,但...
Sometimes I get 1 or 2 bars and can have a conversation on my Uas Cellular iPhone. Sometimes I can’t v even get it to dial out. There map says we have 4G service here, but it lies. I used to love the home phone service, but when the device battery died they couldn’t replace...
写这篇文章之前,看过了这个运营商的一些案例,数码盖饭(shumagaifan1)不得不想起多年前购买首发的iPhone11ProMax的V版运营商场景,这个运营商确实到期会自动解锁。如果说要给卡贴机运营商排名,ATT、XF、T版等在V版的面前真的不值一提,可惜已成绝唱。回到正题,今天给大家说的这个运营商就是“US Cellular ...
同cellular当初还是加钱买的,该死奸商,要是纯xf现在都有可能自动解锁了 来自iPhone客户端6楼2023-02-02 19:46 收起回复 Scenry玥 颇具盛名 7 US Xfinity Mobile Locked Policy这个才是xf 来自iPhone客户端7楼2023-02-03 08:45 收起回复 贴吧用户_7USVJey 颇具名气 6 以前us版本在美国本土有锁国外无锁,...
iPhone Samsung Google Live Your Best Connected Life When life happens, you reach for your phone to take a picture, call a loved one or send a text message. But, then you see it — the dreaded, "No Signal" warning. For just a moment, life stops. The moment passes. At UScellular®...
兄弟们,我这台US ..这台US Cellular的IPhone 13mini 之前买的时候查过GSX信息,没有什么特别的就是黑名单.但是最近再查GSX系统,突然多了个美国营运商状态:Reported block expir
iPhone iPad 简介 Your UScellular® account at your fingertips – anytime, anywhere. Get a sleek, redesigned shopping experience with enhancements that get you to your next upgrade faster. A Revitalized Shopping Experience • Updated Plans page that gets you to the right plan and faster navigat...
Carrier deals are the only real way to save big on the latest iPhone, and UScellular has one of the best packages available in America. By signing up for the Unlimited Data-Even Better 3.0 Plan, you can save as much as $1,200 on the four devices. In other words, you can get the...