Explore our database of military medals and awards and identify your own. Medals from the Great War, World War II, Great Britain, United States, Germany, France and more.
WWII US Army Serial Numbers: Meaning in the First Digits The U.S. Army began issuing serial numbers to help avoid mixing the records of people with the same name. (A genealogist’s dream come true!) When we dig a little deeper into the number itself, we can learn a bit about the pe...
In the Navy and USMC they use a star to denote each additional wound but the star is slightly larger than the one present and gold. While this is true he was Army wasn't he? And when did the Navy and Marines actually start using gold stars on medals? I fell like it wasn't...
Antique Japanese Swords--World War 2 Army shin-gunto, Naval kai-gunto, Russo-Japanese kyu-gunto, Samurai nihonto katana, wakizashi, tanto, yari spearpoints, naginata, armor, arrowpoints, tsuba, fuchi/kashira fittings, kozuka, kogatana, menuki, reference books, etc. ...
She said: “This is such a great acheivement. Not only have Charlotte and Kelly won gold medals, they are the first to do it in this sport. “I am immensely proud, as I am sure the rest of Medway is and would be delighted to invite Charlotte for a celebratory afternoon tea in the...
Enter the biggest front of WW1 with the Russian Empire. Ride in Galicia with the legendary Hussars, partake in skirmishes in a freezing archipelago and fight in snow-covered ravines. Make your mark in the revolution as the White Army and the Red Army bat
My great great grandfather was a veteran of the First World War and was extremely active at his local VFW post. I found this photo from around 1968 of him with his VFW uniform on along with his army medals holding some kind of award. I can’t really tell what it ...