who served with the Second Hospitalization Unit, 42d Field Hospital, in the European Theater of Operations. Interesting to note is that Hyman Lampert, though born in Chicago, Illinois, USA, originally enlisted in the Canadian Army, but at the Declaration of War, transferred to the United States...
– 125 Built The Marmon-Herrington MTLS-1GI4 is probably the most unusual tank produced by the Marmon-Herrington company before and during the Second World War. During the spring of 1941, 200 pieces were ordered by the Netherlands Purchase Commision for the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army… ...
-Army Regulations essential to small units. VII. Military Law. (M. L.)-The Manual for Courts-Martial, including the Articles of War; the Rules of Land Warfare, including recent conventions relative to the sick and wounded of armies in the field and to prisoners of war; an epitome of ...
It was largely based upon an already existing design made for the American Marine Corps, but with several changes proposed by the Army of the Dutch East Indies, which included the addition of a small turret. Two… Marmon-Herrington CTMS-ITB1 After years of neglect, the Royal Netherlands East...
Additional forces deployed included a heavy division from the United States and the VII Corps from Germany, their associated combat and support elements, three carrier battle groups, one battleship, Amphibious Group 3 with the 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, the II Marine Expeditionary Force, and ...
Section 717 in Title VII, Health Care Provisions, extends DOD’s OT authority to include using such authority to conduct studies and demonstration projects on the health care delivery system of the uniformed services related to improving the quality, efficiency, convenience, and cost...
water sources and provides conservation, water pollution control, and more to be conducted by the Army Corps of Engineers. Some of these efforts include maintaining inland waterways, deepening nationally significant ports, upgrading dams and irrigation systems, increasing water storage infrastructure, and...
Nieuport 28 Spad VII Spad XIII Fokker Dr.1 Albatros D.Va Fokker D.VII Website: Atlanta SEO E-mail us David Ingalls, US Navy Ace Lt. David S. Ingalls was the US Navy's first ace and its first Top Gun. Ingalls was a Sopwith Camel pilot and the grand nephew of former President Wi...
boosted power efficiency as well as made it possible for the NVD to adjust to varying light sources. Along with this upgrade also came a significantly thinner ion barrier, fixing the issue of the ion barrier depleting electron flow. You can thank the US Army Research Labs for these ...