During World War 1 a number of Graves Registration units operating in the advance section and in the combat zone were grouped under the Army Quartermaster and assigned to areas, Divisions, or Corps. They usually consisted of 2 Officers assisted by 50 Enlisted Men, who supervised burials, ...
Tom Donnelly explains what that chart on Army force structure in WW II tells usThomas E. RicksForeign Policy
US Army Corps of Engineers Upper Mississippi River Chart Book. Minneapolis, MN to Cairo, IL Upper Mississippi River Miles 866 to 0 Minnesota and St. Croix Rivers
What is noteworthy and perplexing at the same time in this chart is the number of monthly completions from October to January only increased by 7, from 402 to 409. With this almost constant rate of well completions of 405 per month, production continued to increase at an average rate of 71...
The important thing is that modern day Israelis are incredibly tough smart sons of bitches ( the language Patton used to describe the kind of men he wanted in his army UP FRONT ) determined to survive. Their neighbors make speeches on just about a daily basis about wiping them off the fa...