Army modernization strategy. It says a key current threat is a radical, ideology-based, long-term terrorist threat which tends to include the mass weapon of destruction to achieve its political and ideological ob...
US Army modernization strategy.Norris, Mark
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — The U.S. Army is creating anew modernization teamthat will developcontested logistics capability,Gen. James E. Rainey, head ofArmy Futures Commandtold Defense News. AFC, established in 2018 to tackle the service’s requirements for modernization, created eight signature c...
Where does the Army's effort to buy a Ground Mobility Vehicle stand? ByJen Judson Buying the GMVwas a top priorityfollowing the fall 2015 release of the Army’s Combat Vehicle Modernization Strategy, which called for such a vehicle in future and current operations. But when a competition n...
The U.S. Army’s ambitious first Project Convergence, an exercise that measured the progress of the service’s modernization strategy within its future operational concept, concluded last month, but the service already has a sense of what it wants to accomplish in 2021. The series of exercises...
This case study presents a synopsis of how multi-criteria decision analysis techniques were integrated with total cost of ownership considerations to develop a multi-billion dollar equipment modernization strategy, a strategy that is being implemented by the US Army today. 展开 ...
By implementing the lines of effort (LOE) outlined in the Army Climate Strategy, the Army will achieve the goals of a resilient and sustainable land force able to operate in all domains with effective adaptation and mitigation measures against climate change, consistent with Army modernization ...
Motivating the pivot is guidance from Army Futures Command and its latest leader, Gen. James Rainey. Network modernization is one of six priorities for the service as it transitions to multi-domain operations and contends with communication environments compromised by advanced...
IBCS is the cornerstone of the Army's air and missile defense modernization strategy, allowing forces to maintain overmatch while reducing mission risk. It has the ability to rapidly network any sensor, including fielded and developmental radars, to any shooter and d...
“We thought this was important to do this now, and issue this policy now, because of how critical software is to the fight right now,” Margaret Boatner, the deputy assistant secretary of the Army for strategy and acquisition reform, told reporters at the Pentagon. “...