WAVES: Women in the WW2 US Navy Contributor: C. Peter Chen In 1919, a small group of women served with the United States Navy as nurses, answering to male officers. 23 years later, in early Aug 1942, female officer Naval Reserve Lieutenant Commander Mildred McAfee was commissioned into the...
Did the US Army authorize a service star for Pearl Harbor? By KASTAUFFER,16 hours ago RANKS AND RATES ARMY (INCLUDING USAAC/AAF) NAVY, COAST GUARD AND OTHER SEA SERVICES MARINES AIR FORCE (USAAF IS WITH ARMY) Post any rank, rate, specialty, or related insignia in this section. ...
Did the US Army authorize a service star for Pearl Harbor? By KASTAUFFER,14 hours ago RANKS AND RATES ARMY (INCLUDING USAAC/AAF) NAVY, COAST GUARD AND OTHER SEA SERVICES MARINES AIR FORCE (USAAF IS WITH ARMY) Post any rank, rate, specialty, or related insignia in this section. ...
Jerome Lee of the Military & History Museum at Chaguaramas in Trinidad provided excellent and extensive records of Trinidadians who enlisted in the RAF. Researcher Audrey Dewjee in the UK made many valued contributions too. Seeing the increasing amount of information, but at the same time realis...
originally enlisted in the Canadian Army, but at the Declaration of War, transferred to the United States Army, where he was assigned to and joined subject Hospital. Data and photographs came from a 22-pages Second Platoon Newsletter held by Corporal H. Lampert. Without this document, editing ...
While Officers and EM were billeted in permanent type structures, the Enlisted personnel of the202d General Hospitaland302d Station Hospitalwere accommodated in tentage. Sanitary facilities and floor space per man was conform to Army Regulations. Permanent-type buildings used for billets were Hotels,...