“an army of the wounded, some 20,350 in number, a third of them Confederate….”Just 106 surgeons were spared from the Army of the Potomac and“the comparatively few overburdened surgeons and attendants now on duty still labored every day to the point of exhaustion.”[8]These ...
Army & Navy Union Membership badge By MMcollector,January 22 LAPEL BUTTONS (DISCHARGE & RETIREMENT FOR CIVILIAN CLOTHES) 1.1k posts Post war OSS veteran's pin By parrothead76,January 16 SPOILS OF WAR For bringback items found in duffle bags, footlockers, etc. PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR ENTIR...
Army & Navy Union Membership badge By MMcollector,January 22 LAPEL BUTTONS (DISCHARGE & RETIREMENT FOR CIVILIAN CLOTHES) 1.1k posts Post war OSS veteran's pin By parrothead76,January 16 SPOILS OF WAR For bringback items found in duffle bags, footlockers, etc. PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR ENTIR...
Energy Storage in Polymer Laminate Structures – Ageing and Diagnostic Approaches for Life Validation This is the first time that energy discharge capacitor technology capable of graceful ageing has been demonstrated at these energy levels. When a capacitor is selected to perform properly in an electron...
Clause 1: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive ...
Information and Education programs functioned smoothly with a 2-hour weekly program of Round-Table discussions. News Bulletins, hometown papers, Yank, The Stars and Stripes, Army Talks, as well as popular periodicals were maintained in the Special Services Office. A PR Section functioned in conjunct...
contains information on new techniques and workflows to provide you with accurate and reliable insights and capabilities to assist in accelerating semiconductor design, analysis and production. Via the learning center you will be able to access application notes, videos, webinars, white papers and ...
There was a proposal at the Constitutional Convention to limit the standing army for the country to 5,000 men. George Washington sarcastically agreed with this proposal as long as a stipulation was added that no invading army could number more than 3,000 troops!
World War II US Army serial numbers weren't random. Here is how to find what each part of a WWII Army Serial Number means.