babynames.Rproj Add std proj options May 28, 2014 Update CRAN comments Apr 12, 2021 README Code of conduct babynames This package contains three datasets provided by the USA social security administration: babynames: For each year from 1880 to 2017, the number of children ...
Simple:A single CSV file, concise field names, only one entry per zip code. Databases BasicProComprehensive Commercial useAllowedAllowedAllowed File formatCSV, ExcelCSV, Excel, SQLCSV, Excel, SQL Census-designated zipsYes, all ZCTASYes, all ZCTASYes, all ZCTAS ...
A recommended practice is to write code with function/class parameters having meaningful names, accurate type hints, and descriptive docstrings. Reuse these wherever they appear to automatically generate the CLI, following thedon't repeat yourself principle. A notable advantage is that when parameters ...
Eventually, it may be that the sheer size of China’s military prompts a US rethink. The Chinese army enjoys the convenience of geography, to say the least. Its navy alsooutnumbersthe US navy in terms of warships and submarines, although the US fleet is more heavily armed. Admiral Philip ...
For example, the file “zamysel praticteskih dejstvi voisk.scr” (SHA: 556e7e944939929ca4d9ca6c54d9059edf97642ece1d84363f2d46e2e8ca72ae), translates to “plan of army practice maneuvers.scr”. It was also similarly packaged in a RAR archive, and on execution it drops and loads a DLL...
In the following decades, under the Meiji Reform, Japan introduced sweeping reforms, central to which was the creation of a vast national army. 美国和日本的关系可以追溯到1853年,当时美国炮艇驶入东京湾,要求日本开放贸易。几个世纪以来,日本一直与世隔绝,根据一项被称为江户锁国的政策,威胁那些离开或登陆...
[12:01.21] [12:04.52]罗伯特·E·李将军担任 General Rober E Lee takes command [12:07.45]新成立的北弗吉尼亚军队总指挥 at the head of the newly formed army of Northen Virginia. [12:11.01] [12:11.37]李是毕业于西点军校的高材生 Lee, a brilliant graduate of the elite Westpoint Academy [12:...
Challengers of the new Warlord Rainmaker will need to plan their tactics carefully when approaching this artillery and demolitions expert. Find him in his fortress on Rahaa Island in the southeastern Urzikstan Exclusion Zone, where he’s supported by an army that he’s only too willing to expe...
Code generator for serializing/deserializing C++ objects to/from JSON using Clang and RapidJSON - Martchus/reflective-rapidjson
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