Cassie and her team understand how to translate military experiences into descriptions that resonate with civilian recruiters and hiring managers.Cassie also cleaned up my LinkedIn profile with immediate results. Within 24 hours of her work, I received multiple inquiries and interview requests.All this...
One of the things that I loved about AD&D but loathed about 3.X is that once an experienced player memorized the monster subtypes and some of the more common spell descriptions, the mystery factor in most monsters just went out the window. If you know that demons have these inherent abil...
Anti-Drone Systems: Civilian systems designed to disrupt or destroy drones. Exporters will be required to apply for licenses through provincial commerce departments and submit detailed documentation, including contracts, technical descriptions, end-user and end-use certificates, and identification of key p...
This event will be held off under the Chatham House Rule. No quotations, recordings, or other descriptions of the event and its content may be published, including on social media or elswhere online or in print, without...
United States of America (1918) Light Tank – 1 Built The USA was a mess in WW1. War had broken out in Europe between the major world powers, killing hundreds of thousands and spreading to a front from the North Sea to Switzerland, also covering Northern Italy, the Balkans, Africa, and...
”Footnote25The problematic Sino-Japanese historical relations are often referred to, especially with the upcoming 79th anniversary of the Mukden incident in 1931, where the Japanese army detonated a part of the railway and used it as pretext to attack the city (Spence,1999).Footnote26Similarly,...
A service that puts its customers something like $90k A YEAR in the hole relative to what they’d make as buck privates in the Army had damn well better turn out to be lucrative somewhere down the line. The claims to this effect are bullshit. Maybe they’re true, or maybe not, but ...
It's almost a shame to even have to justify such an obvious position. However, this being a website about Jeeps, the Military origins of this icon compel me to write about my deep appreciation for the blessedfreedomsafforded me by those who have voluntarily chosen to risk their lives... ...
civilian charm cellar cavalry cancer broadway bridges billy bears beard auto assist arlene appreciate al aesthetic acquired yours yeah woods wildly wally vivid viewed vein vague transformed tractor torn tooth toll tim tilghman tie thrust swing succession subtle stern stadium sitter shelters scarcely sba ...
Allison received the Defense Department's highest civilian award, the Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, for "reshaping relations with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan to reduce the former Soviet nuclear arse...