Facts, map and state symbols for the 50 US states, with links to related quizzes and printouts.
Area_WaterEdm.Int64xxxArea of water in this area BoundaryEdm.GeographyxxxxThe polygon boundary of this area cdsessnEdm.StringxCongressional District Session countynsEdm.StringxCounty National Standard Code EntityIDEdm.StringxxxA unique idenifier for the boundary ...
usmapuses theUS National Atlas Equal Areacoordinate system: sf::st_crs(9311) #> Coordinate Reference System: #> User input: EPSG:9311 #> wkt: #> PROJCRS["NAD27 / US National Atlas Equal Area", #> BASEGEOGCRS["NAD27", #> DATUM["North American Datum 1927", #> ELLIPSOID["Clarke ...
The map above shows the county level and vote share results of the 2020US Presidential Election. The darker the blue the more a county went for Joe Biden and the darker the red the more the county went for Donald Trump. You can see how it compares to the2016 map here. In total, out...
We have collected assessment data for over 34 million properties around the United States. Not only can you find home and property values, but also the history of a property's value, land and building area, number of rooms, stories, additions, construction type, year of construction and more...
From 11 cities on the US Atlantic coast, the projected extra area exposed to high-tide flooding by 2050 is between 773 and 951 km2(Fig.2). This would affect a population of 59,000–263,000 people and 32,000–163,000 properties on the US Atlantic coast (Fig.2and Table1). The pro...
We may use your information to operate our Services. We may also personalize the services we provide to you based on the information we have collected about you (for instance, we may use your IP address to display content relevant for your area). And, to enable accessibility settings function...
type TMVCSQLGeneratorPostgreSQL = class(TMVCSQLGenerator) protected function GetCompilerClass: TRQLCompilerClass; override; public function CreateInsertSQL( const TableName: string; const Map: TFieldsMap; const PKFieldName: string; const PKOptions: TMVCActiveRecordFieldOptions): string; override; func...
Shop Small with an American Express Card, you can get rewarded for supporting the small businesses that speak to your heart – think points, miles, or cash back.
- Be sure to turn on the 'Basic' base map to see the US Public Land labels for each land area. This base map layer is also stored entirely on your device, and can be utilized if you do not have an internet connection or would like to conserve bandwidth. - If you have an internet...