Genre:Documentary, Biography, Drama Time:85 min. / 1:25 Stars:Eric Roberts, Tyler Mauro, Kayleigh Gilbert Age:12+ In 1943, Max Fronenberg spent one year digging a secret underground tunnel to escape out of a prison camp in Warsaw, Poland during the Holocaust while saving fifteen other pris...
One of Us plays like a documentary thriller about individuals trying to break free of a closed society. New York’s Hasidim are one of the most insular communities in North America. Haunted by the Holocaust’s decimation, they live by strict codes that discourage contact with outsiders. We ...
23 September 2014.Defending History: ‘Usable memory of Holocaust victims: NY Yivo announces campaign for five and a quarter million dollars for new “Vilna Project”‘ by Dovid Katz. Fall 2014.Jewish Review of Books: ‘What we talk about when we talk about Stepan Bandera: a rejoinder to ...
48 min|Documentary Edit pageAdd to list Track Award-winning director Gary Lester brings two survivors of the Holocaust to the screen with gripping accounts of suffering, loss, and endurance. Woven throughout the two stories are the faces of those who were doomed, but did not yet ...See mor...
Hero Among Us: Directed by Brent Watkins. Two men share an incredible story of survival during World War II. One, an Army Combat Medic and concentration camp liberator. The other, a holocaust survivor. Both discover how the power of story can bring heali
the possibility that “The Shining” was Kubrick’s way of confessing he faked the landing on the moon footage, and another obsesses over the details of the hedge maze. The other two see evidence that the 1980 film indirectly references either the genocide of Native Americans or the Holocaust...
Documentary ‘Hate Among Us’ Expands To A Franchise Focused On Necessitating Change For Pressing InjusticesRead this Forbes article to learn more. In Memory of Mireille Knoll Holocaust Survivor, Loving Mother & Grandmother ‘Hate Among Us’ interviews the surviving sons and granddaughters of 85 year...
This documentary looks at genocide. It compares and contrasts stories of Holocaust survival with the massacres in Rwanda. Although graphic it is not gratuitous. The overall message is one of encouragement to us not to be bystanders and that even in awful situations there arise people who will ...
was a primary focus of the documentary filmRewriting HistorybyMarc RadomskyandDanny-Ben Moshe. The same year, at the initiative of Professor Ben-Moshe,Defending Historylaunched theSeventy Years Declaration. In 2013, it was a key participant in Richard Bloom’s documentary,Defending Holocaust ...
controversial and influential; it’s one of the earliest examples of a found footage horror movie, nearly two decades beforeThe Blair Witch Project.It also tried to use the same marketing gimmick, with the filmmakers claiming thatCannibal Holocaustwas a legitimate documentary rather than a work of...