Meanwhile, US media confirmed several airstrikes on Houthi sites across several cities in the north. Hours earlier, Houthi leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi warned in a televised speech that "any American aggression will not go without response...
US Central Command forces on Saturday carried out air strikes against a Houthi anti-ship missile that was aimed into the Gulf of Aden and was prepared to launch, the US military said. "US forces determined the missile presented a threat to merchant vessels and US Navy ships in the region ...
U.S. Central Command forces regularly launch strikes against Houthi missile or drone launchers when there are indications that the Houthis are planning attacks on U.S. military or commercial ships, but Friday's strikes went after more of the Houthi infrastructure. Earlier this year, the U.S....
The U.S. -- along with the U.K. -- first launched airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen in January 2024, following several months of drone and missile attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea. Supporters of Yemen's Houthis ...
Real time news brief - Yemini reports: US airstrikes on Houthi targets in the Hajjah Governate - Israel National News flashes around the clock are waiting for you on the site
“That is why the Royal Air Force engages in a fourth round of precision strikes against Houthi military targets in Yemen.” Mr Shapps said it came after “severe Houthi attacks against commercial ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, including against the British-owned MV Islander and...
In response, the US-British naval coalition stationed in the waters has been conducting air raids and missile strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen since January. However, the move has led to an expansion of Houthi attac...
Hodeida, a major port city, and the Katheib area, which has a Houthi-controlled military base. Four more strikes hit the Seiyana area in Sanaa, the capital, and two strikes hit the Dhamar province. The Houthi media office also reported three air raids in Bayda province, southea...
So a second round of strikes at Houthi targets would seem to reflect the determination of the Americans to match their declared intent - to degrade the Houthis military and, in so doing, remove a complication that carries the threat of expanding aggression in the region. ...
As of Monday morning, the coalition had not issued a statement about the strikes. The coalition led by the US and UKcarried out airstrikesagainst targets belonging to the Iran-backed Houthi militia in western Yemen on Sunday night, according to the Houthi-affiliated Al-Masirah news, marking ...