In Japan, new mayor opposes US air baseBlaine Harden
US air base in Japan increases monitoring of local dioxin threat.DioxinsSpectroscopy, Fourier Transform InfraredEnvironmental MonitoringHazardous WasteRefuse DisposalMilitary ScienceUnited StatesJapanNot Availabledoi:10.1038/37200Asako SaegusaNature
驻日美军(英语:United States Forces Japan,日语:在日米军[ざいにちべいぐん],简称USFJ)是用以泛称根据美日安保条约第六条而驻留在日本的美军部队。 当地时间2024年3月24日,美国总统拜登和日本首相岸田文雄将宣布重组驻日美军司令部的计划,预计两人将于4月10日在白宫会晤时公布这一计划。 驻日美军司令部设于...
There are 23 US military bases in Japan according to our database which is being updated all the time. Learn more about US Bases in Japan.
The US military presence on the small Japanese island of Okinawais in as much doubt now as it...McCurry, Justin
TOKYO (AP) — A U.S. Air Force Osprey based in Japan crashed during a training mission Wednesday off of the country's southern coast, killing at least one of the eight crew members, the Japanese coast guard said.
The U.S. led a three-day-long joint naval exercise with allies Japan and South Korea in the East China Sea to promote stability in the region, participants said.
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In January 2016, the government of Okinawa Prefecture detected high concentrations of organic fluorides PFOS (a man-made surfactant which is regarded as a global pollutant and potentially cancer-causing chemical compounds) in a water source near the Kadena Air base of the U.S. military. ...
There are 23 US military bases in Japan according to our database which is being updated all the time. Learn more about US Bases in Japan.