Census.gov The US Census Bureau provides various APIs and data sets on demographics and businesses No Yes Unknown City, Berlin Berlin(DE) City Open Data No Yes Unknown City, Gdańsk Gdańsk (PL) City Open Data No Yes Unknown City, Gdynia Gdynia (PL) City Open Data No No Unknown City, ...
Section 4 of the 2017 Census of Agriculture questionnaire addressed "Land Use Practices." One practices was the use of cover crops. Respondents were specifically asked, "During 2017, considering the cropland acres on this operation, how many acres were planted to a cover crop? (Cover crops are...
Poststratification weights reflect US Census population characteristics and differential participation rates; they factor in sex, age, race and ethnicity, language, education, income, home ownership, geographic variables, and nonresponse. Participants complete self-administered surveys online, with Ipsos ...
Accessed June 27, 2022. https://www.census.gov/data 51. de Heer B. A snapshot of serial rape: an investigation of criminal sophistication and use of force on victim injury and severity of the assault. J Interpers Violence. 2016;31(4):598-619. doi:10.1177/0886260514556110 ...
Finally, when it comes to Population data I need an, 'All things equal,' basis in this regard, therefore, while it may not strictly be the most accurate means on a state-by-state basis; it seems the fairest (Universally speaking) to use the 2010 Census Data for State populations....
The first arrived on 7 June, and as the census gradually increased, the Medical Officers worked 12-hour shifts and the Nurses 8-hour shifts, with only approximately 7 hours of rest between each shift. Many Enlisted Men, after working long hours in their respective fields, volunteered their se...
Denmark ended all such uses in 1995; in January 2022, the same prohibition went into effect across the entire EU. Meanwhile, the routine use of these medicines for herdwide disease prevention continues in the USA, even in the absence of any diagnosed disease, and the FDA considers it to be...
Since the 2022 AACR report on cancer in Asian Americans raised concerns on liver and stomach cancers, we counted cancer deaths in recent 4 years for different Asian groups in California that numbered about 7 million (alone or in combination) in 2020 Census. This includes 1.8 million Chinese, ...
[Online] Available at: https://www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/2012/Online_Resources/Farm_and_Ranch_Irrigation_Survey/ USDA (2016a) Fertilizer use and price. United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. [Online] Available at: https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/...
It is worth noting that the Imports and Exports IO sectors (F00500 and F00400) are not classified as any customer class in the Economic Census, but are allocated as ‘Business firms and farms’ for disaggregation purposes. However, the overall effects of any allocation scheme to the imports...