摇摆州(Swing state)是指两个主要政党在选民间拥有几乎相同的支持度,即民主党和共和党在该州的民调中获得的支持率相差仅几个百分点,因此摇摆州也被候选人视为是主要战场。 2024选举的7个摇摆州:亚利桑那州、佐治亚州、密歇根州、内华达州、北卡罗来纳州、宾夕法尼亚州和威斯康星州 得摇摆州者得天下 4.选举投票 ...
1 As the November 5, 2024, election date draws near, this Editorial provides a summary of key aspects of the JAMA publications. In their Editorial, Galbraith and Carroll summarized new research published in JAMA Pediatrics on how children are affected by the issues to be addressed in this ...
1 As the November 5, 2024, election date draws near, this Editorial provides a summary of key aspects of the JAMA publications. In their Editorial, Galbraith and Carroll summarized new research published in JAMA Pediatrics on how children are affected by the issues to be addressed in this ...
The Chief Investment Office’s most up-to-date views on the investment implications of the 2024 presidential and congressional races.
US Election 2024: Democrat campaign staff urged to stay patient amid Trump surge Party staffers are told they can beat Donald Trump if they win the blue wall seats in the north. The Republicans have performed strongly this evening in the Sun Belt states in the south....
Mark Esper, Trump’s other confirmed Defense Secretary, had openly warned about the threat of another Trump administration in the weeks leading up to the election. 10:05 a.m. 6:47:49, November 13, 2024 Here's how GOP senators are reacting to Trump's choice for defense secretary From...
On November 5th (local time), the United States held its official presidential election. Polling stations across the country have begun to close and start counting votes.
1 As the November 5, 2024, election date draws near, this Editorial provides a summary of key aspects of the JAMA publications. In their Editorial, Galbraith and Carroll summarized new research published in JAMA Pediatrics on how children are affected by the issues to be addressed in this ...
1 As the November 5, 2024, election date draws near, this Editorial provides a summary of key aspects of the JAMA publications. In their Editorial, Galbraith and Carroll summarized new research published in JAMA Pediatrics on how children are affected by the issues to be addressed in this ...