Eruption of urticaria and angioedema induced by binging and purging in an anorexia nervosa patientangioedemaanorexia nervosabulimia nervosadermatologicaleating disordersurticariaBackground: Anorexia nervosa is a perplexing psycho-biological disorder with a systemic nature, which can present in almost every ...
URTICARIAMEDICAL careSolar urticaria (SU) is characterised by intense pruritus or burning, erythemal flare and whealing, usually beginning within 5 minutes of sun〆xposure, with considerable impact on quality of life (QoL)(1). Action spectra commonly involve UVA/visible light, and SU may occur ...
Unexpected photosensitivity a patient with dermatomyositis and concomitant solar urticariaMYOSITISURTICARIAPHOTOSENSITIVITYLUPUS erythematosusDermatomyositis (DM) is a connective tissue disease with rare incidence, characterized by progressive muscle weakness and typical cutaneous manifestations. Its pathogenesis is ...