I request indexing through the Google Search Console whenever I publish a post. But sometimes Google doesn’t index it even after a few days, and I get the message “URL is not on Google”. Below, under “Page indexing”, I see the following error: Page is not indexed: URL is unknown...
Google Search Console(以下简称GSC )是网站管理者、SEOer 操作SEO 时的必备工具,也是我们与Google 沟通最直接的工具,其中提供的第一手数据是我们衡量网站SEO 表现最主要的资料来源。其中, GSC 里有关检索、索引状态的分析报告,更是无其他第三方工具可取代的、不可或缺的重要要存在。 本文单独就GSC 的「网址审查工...
在google search console的页面报告中会显示。 输入http://example.com/feed/看是否会显示一段XML格式内容,包含<rss>或<feed>标记,也带有最新文章标题,摘要,发布时间等信息。 移除Feed 链接的解决方法 1.Perfmatters之类的优化插件。 常规设置,把禁用RSS两个选项都打开。 2.Robots.txt文件设置 在文件内添加以下规则...
From Search Console help, Google states: “You need a robots.txt file only if your site includes content that you don't want search engines to index. If you want search engines to index everything in your site, you don't need a robots.txt file — not even an empty one. If you ...
But still, I cannot see the name of the site in the Google Search, only the website URL. I tried to validate the schema using this: https://search.google.com/test/rich-results but structured data is not detected. Using the schema validator, the tag is detected correctly: https://valid...
"Google Bulk Inspect URL"的免费新工具,该工具提供了获取URL检查API数据的最简单方法。无需注册或复杂的配置。您需要授权访问链接到 Google Search Console 的 Google 帐号,选择要检查的所需媒体资源,然后粘贴要验证的网址。Google Bulk Inspect URL by Valentin Pletzer 该工具在浏览器中处理数据,在表中显示从 ...
條款 隱私權 訂閱Google for Developers 電子報 訂閱 資訊 即時通訊 API 頁面資訊 bug_reportfullscreen close 目錄 資源 方法 inspect 注意事項 AI 生成 This page focuses on managing URLs in your Google Search Console property. It provides methods and resources for getting or putting inform...
Google Search Console URL检查自动化器 通过此脚本,您可以通过编程方式从Google Search Console的提取信息。 该脚本基于原始 。 用法 使用git,Github的CLI或通过手动下载来在您的计算机上克隆此存储库。 git clone https://github.com/jlhernando/url-inspector-automator-js.git ...
Go to the Google Search Console website (https://search.google.com/search-console) and sign in with your Google account. If you haven't added your website to Search Console yet, you'll need to do that first. Once you're signed in, select your website from the property list. ...
谷歌一周前宣布推出新的Google Search Console URL Inspection API。此更改提供了对第三方应用的访问权限,以便通过网址检查工具的 Google Search Console 界面一次只能批量访问单个网址可访问的信息。 每个Search Console 媒体资源(也可以是子域或子目录,以及域)的配额为每天 2,000 次查询,每分钟 600 次查询,该版本为...