Define urine pH. urine pH synonyms, urine pH pronunciation, urine pH translation, English dictionary definition of urine pH. n. The waste product secreted by the kidneys that in mammals is a yellow to amber-colored, slightly acidic fluid discharged from
Renal tubular acidosis (RTA): recognize the ammonium defect and pHorget the urine pH. Pediatr Nephrol. 1991; 5(2):242-8. PMID: 2031845Carlisle EJF, Donnelly SM, Halperin ML: Renal tubular acidosis: recognize the ammonium defect and forget the pH. Pediatr Nephrol 5: 242–248, 1991....
It is useful in differentiating the different types of renal tubular acidosis (RTA), which is characterized by the inability to acidify urine to a pH <3.5 (i.e., despite an overnight fast and acid loading). Similarly, it also provides a clue to certain disease states (e.g., ...
Crystal internalization assay using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled crystals and flow cytometry demonstrated that crystal internalization into renal tubular cells was maximal at the neutral pH (7.0). Finally, there were no significant differences in binding capacity of the crystals to apical ...
For patients tions before twreitahtmeelenvta, teendzpymlasemraepolarcuemrinenetGthbe3 rcaopnyc(eEnRtrTa-) results in an initial nGobt3 concentrations always coincide ddroonpoitnreGmba3 icnolnocwenitnraatlilopnast.5i,e7nTths eanlodwdeor with clinical improvement.8 Biomarkers are generally defined...
RTA is characterized by bicarbonaturia secondary to a reduced threshold for bicarbonate reabsorption. At low levels of serum bicarbonate (<14 mEq/L), the filtered bicarbonate is able to be reabsorbed, resulting in a low urine pH. However, under conditions of bicarbonate loading, the re...
ducts. The pH of urine normally ranges from 4.5 to 7.5. Urine pH should be measured with a pH meter on a freshly voided urine sample as on standing diffusional loss of CO2 or bacterial contamination may occur changing the pH value. Urine pH is important for the diagnosis of RTA. ...
screened (pharmacopoeial sieve No.5),poured in mo rta r,a d de d w ith hot w a te r,a nd the n m ille d a lo ng th e s a m e d ire c tion to m a ke th e po w d e r d is s o lv ing co mp le te ly fo r us e . Absolute ethanol (50 mL) was mix...
uri ar pH ra ges from 4.5 to 8. Because of ormal metabolic activ- it , the ge erall accepted ormal pH of uri e is about 5.5 to 6.5. The kid e ca ot acidif the uri e i re al tubular acidosis (RTA), so the uri e ca be alkali e while the ...
Related to alkaline urine:pH of urine,acidic urine al·ka·line (ăl′kə-lĭn, -līn′) adj. 1.Of, relating to, or containing an alkali. 2. a.Having a pH greater than 7. b.Having a relatively low concentration of hydrogen ions. ...