The waste product secreted by the kidneys that in mammals is a yellow to amber-colored, slightly acidic fluid discharged from the body through the urethra. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latinūrīna; seewē-r-inIndo-European roots.] ...
Which of the following molecules is present in the extracellular fluids of an individual whose cells are having to use primarily fats to produce ATP (the untreated diabetic)? (Research Diabetes and Ketosis) a. Esters b. Alcohols c. Alkalines d...
In addition to the foregoing, many other substances may be present depending on the diet and state of health of the individual. Among component substances indicating pathological states are abnormal amounts of albumin, glucose, ketone bodies, blood, pus, casts, and bacteria. ...
Urine ketone testing: when fat is the primary source of energy, ketones are produced. High ketone level spills over into urine. In the patient with T1DM or T2DM who underproduces innate insulin, ketonuria occurs with severe deficits in insulin availability or activity. This is associated primaril...
Because tubules reabsorb filtered protein, a great deal of protein has to be lost through the glomeruli, exceeding the capacity of the functional or impaired tubules to reabsorb it, for it to be present in the ultrafiltrate. Some proteins originate from the urinary tract. The distal tubules ...
Urine formation in a nephron involves three basic processes: glomerular filtration, selective reabsorption of water and useful substances from the filtrate into blood capillaries, and tubular secretion of substances not required by the body into the nephric fil...
pH - normally 4.8 to 7.5. See,Urine PH Testfor more information. ketone bodies - normally negative (absent). When there is carbohydrate deprivation, such as starvation or high protein diets, the body relies increasingly on the metabolism of fats for energy. This pattern is also seen in peopl...
Ketone test This test detects the presence of ketones, which are byproducts of metabolism that form in the presence of severe hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar). Ketones are formed from fat that is burned by the body when there is insufficient insulin to allow glucose to be used for fuel....
What "clues" does our urine give us about how well or poorly our body is functioning? Give a possible explanation for the presence of each of the following in urine: a) ketone bodies. b) nitrites. c) bilirubin. Which disorder involves fin...
Which of the following is considered an abnormal constituent of urine? (Choose all that apply) A. erythrocytes B. glucose C. ketone bodies D. urea Trace the path of urine as it forms, start at the glomerulus, and ends when the urine leaves the body. List the s...