(redirected fromUrine drug test) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia u·ri·nal·y·sis (yo͝or′ə-năl′ĭ-sĭs) n.pl.u·ri·nal·y·ses(-sēz′) Laboratory analysis of urine, used to aid in the diagnosis of disease or detect the presence of a specific substance, such as...
Advocates of urine drug screening for employees say such tests will improve work performance, decrease job-related accidents and absenteeism and decrease the use of illegal drugs in general. Such screening is also being used by many employers, including some government agencies, as part of preemploy...
Applying for a job.A potential employer might require a urine test before they hire you. Companies use urine tests to avoid hiring people who use illegal substances. Drug use can link to lower productivity and employee morale. It may pose a higher risk of accidents or conflicts on the job....
Due to this reason, two people may take the same drug and have different experiences. Take Home Keeping urine warm for drug tests is simply non-negotiable. This is why you must ensure to deploy all efforts and resources to ensure this is the case. As we have explained in this article, ...
Instant Urine drug test cups & saliva drug test kits, CLIA Waived Drug Test. Fast affordable instant urine & saliva drug testing.
Urine drug testing is the least expensive and least invasive type of test to detect drugs in your system and therefore, it is also the most commonly used drug detection test. Normal results for the test indicate no drugs in the urine. If the test comes back positive, a gas chromatography ...
Urine drugs of abuse tests offer a practical way to monitor and detect a person’s drug use. Urine drug tests are frequently used in the criminal justice system (such as problem-solving courts and correctional facilities) as part of a court-ordered treat...
Urine testing is the most common type used for employee drug testing. Urine tests are cost-effective and show the presence of drugs long after their effects wear off. This makes them suitable for many testing reasons such as pre-employment, random, or post-accident screening. In comparison, ...
Urine drug test (UDT) is an effective tool used in chronic opioid therapy to ensure patient adherence to treatment and detect nonmedical opioid use. The two main types of UDT used in routine clinical practice are the screening tests or immunoassays and the confirmatory tests or laboratory-based...
There have been several studies concerning the use of the urine specimen validity test (SVT) for drug abuse testing administered in the workplace. However, very little data exists concerning the urine SVT on drug abuse tests from court specimens, including dilute, substituted, adulterated, and ...