Some medicines, blackberries, rhubarb(大黄), or blood in the urine can turn urine red-brown. Odor. Urine does not smell very strong, but it has a slightly "nutty" odor. Some diseases cause a change in the odor of urine. PH. The pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline (碱性的)...
Related to alkaline urine:pH of urine,acidic urine al·ka·line (ăl′kə-lĭn, -līn′) adj. 1.Of, relating to, or containing an alkali. 2. a.Having a pH greater than 7. b.Having a relatively low concentration of hydrogen ions. ...
The effect on the excretion of the amine when urine was acidic or alkaline was also measured. Quantities smaller than 1 mg were measured with these techniques.doi:10.1016/0006-2944(71)90034-2N.H. ChoulisElsevier Inc.Biochemical Medicine
Foods that Make Urine Acidic: cranberry juice plums prunes foods rich in protein such as meat Foods that Make Urine Alkaline: legumes citrus fruits ...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts c...
反常性酸性尿和反常性碱性尿低钾血症可引起碱中毒,由于血钾降低使肾小管上皮细胞内[K+]降低,分泌K+减少,H+一Na+交换加强,因此H+随尿排出增多,尿液呈酸性。这与一般碱中毒时有偏碱性尿不同,故又被称为“反常性酸性尿”。 反之,高钾血症可引起酸中毒,但尿液呈碱性,故称为“反常性碱性尿”。 涉及知识点...
Intake of protein-rich foods results in acidic urine, while consumption of vegetables causes the urine to be weakly alkaline. About 96 percent of urine consists of water; 1.5 percent, of salts; and 2.5 percent, of such organic metabolic products as urea and uric acid. Urine and blood plasma...
Cloudy urine looks murky white or milky yellow. Unlike normal urine, cloudy urine is not clear. What does cloudy urine mean? Urine contains water, salts, and kidney waste. Their balance determines your urine pH--how alkaline (basic) or acidic it is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, ...
The ancients learned to distinguish them by the difference in color of certain vegetable dyes in acid and alkaline solutions. The Greek physician Galen (A.D. 129–199) in fact was aware of the acidic nature of certain body fluids, including urine. In his work On the Natural Faculties (17...
They can be found on neutral, slightly alkaline, and acidic urine. They look like prisms, needle-like shape, or plates. Calcium carbonate crystals They look like large spheroids with radial striations. Calcium carbonate in smaller size has a round to ovoid shape. The color is usually colorless...
(NH2)2,and it is across the board, whether in the human body or in a diesel engine, important for the metabolism and chemical reactivity of nitrogen-containing compounds. Urea is colorless, odorless, solid and highly soluble in water. It has a neutral pH, neither acidic or alkaline when ...