Define urinating. urinating synonyms, urinating pronunciation, urinating translation, English dictionary definition of urinating. intr.v. u·ri·nat·ed , u·ri·nat·ing , u·ri·nates To excrete urine. u′ri·na′tion n. u′ri·na′tive adj. u′ri·na
Dr. Marie replied: I always get concerned when a dog is drinking and urinating larger amounts than usual. While it is certainly possible that it is nothing serious, I think a vet visit is a good idea. An increase in thirst and urination in a young dog makes me worried that he has go...
Getting up to the toilet in the middle of the night to urinate is quite common especially among the elderly. Many people consider this as part of normal aging. One episode of night urination is considered within normal limits. But if you are urinating more frequently than this, then you may...
( but it is overpowered by the feeling of not being able to stop urinating at will), darkened yellow foul smelling urine, and my discharge has always been milky white but I seem to have more discharge than usual. I have had this problem for two weeks now and have been drinking lots ...
I read that drinking lots of water could help this feeling, so I did so, and within some days the burning was gone. It returned some months later, only to go away again not long afterwards. Now, more than a year after the first burning feeling, I have endured a total of 3 ...
A dog suffering incontinence may display a number of different symptoms such as excessive drinking, urine that is free flowing or halting, pain during urination, blood in the urine, urine leakage, and frequent urination of large amounts.
Drinking more and thirstyLILI, 7.5 YRS OLD, HAS STARTED WETTING HER BED AND SHE HAS AN UNENDING THIRST AND...(17949 views) Gerbil's head exploded.We have had two gerbils for a couple of years but last night one of there heads...(20102 views) ...
Ollie is consuming lots of water, and peeing a lot. There has been a marked increase in the last week. I had a diabetic cat once and know this is a concern. He...
I have never had intercourse but have given and recieved oral sex, and also (more frequently) been fingered. After a sexual experience of this nature I experience bleeding/spotting, discharge and a severe stinging pain when i urinate. This has happened more than once. Am i normal? Or should...