First, let's talk about frequent urination that affects you both day and night. There are many different causes of urinary frequency. More often this is caused by a problem in the bladder and urethra. 1. Overactive bladder– frequency is more than 8 times a day due to sudden urge to u...
8.Behind him he heard jeers. The other pullers were urinating right where they had slept. 身后传来了嘲弄声,其他的人就在他们刚刚睡的地方小解. 9.Patient: I feel pain when urinating. 我排尿时疼痛。 10.At least 13 required it for urinating in public (in two of which, only if a child...
How,often,do,you,get,up,at,night,to,void?Howmanytimes doyougetupatnight? Inaddition,John(lowercaseJ,nottheman'snameisbathroom) ortoilet"(alsocalledouthouse),whichisusuallyusedin outdoorworksiteortemporaryliquiditytoilet(sometimesalso addportableinfrontoftheword).Buttherearealso foreignerswhocalltheirho...
To start baby EC, you may begin by observing your baby. In doing this, you have to keep in mind that babies pee shortly after feeding. You have to be familiar with their peeing and pooping times. Do not put any diaper on for a time, and observe his body language when he goes. Rem...
Our cat Alice was involved in a fight in the garden with another cat. SHe had a sore paw for a few days and a bit of raw skin by her mouth, but ever since this has happened she keeps pooing in the house although she does still venture outside. This has been going on for a week...