The most common non-intestinal infection observed worldwide is Urinary tract infection (UTI). Diabetic patients are more prone to Urinary tract infections (UTI). The susceptibility of the infection can vary in different individuals especially when there is underreporting from the patients having a ...
The aim of the study was to compare the epidemiological, microbiological and clinical features of diabetic patients with urinary tract infection (UTI) to those of nondiabetic ones.A prospective study was performed on 490 consecutive patients with proven UTI. The patients were studied on the basis ...
Objectives: The purpose of study was to identify the different species of microorganisms, along with their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern, causing urinary tract infection in paediatric patients presenting with urinary tract infection at KIST Medical College, Imadol, Lalitpur, Nepal. Methods: This ...
generation cephalosporins. Routine screening of bacteriuria is not recommended in diabetic patients, the administration of antibiotic does not prevent the further symptomatic episodes. 展开 关键词: húgyúti infekciók diabetes mellitus urinary tract infections diabetes mellitus ...
尿路感染(urinary tract infection,UTI)是指病原体在尿路中生长繁殖,并侵犯泌尿道黏膜或组织而引起的炎症,是细菌感染中最常见的一种感染。 UTI影响个体范围广泛,而且对机体产生的临床影响也非常广泛,从具有革兰阴性脓毒血症的急性肾盂肾炎到无症状性菌尿,甚至还有...
尿路感染(Urinary Tract Infection),就是尿路的感染。(废话) 所谓尿路指的是从肾脏开始,到输尿管,到膀胱,最后一程是尿道。尿路感染包括尿道炎(Urethritis)、膀胱炎(Cystitis)、肾盂肾炎(Phelonephritis)等,其中前两者属于下尿路感染(Lower UTI),肾盂肾炎属于上尿路感染(Upper UTI)。
19 星期一4诊断:肾病综合症诊断依据 中度水肿两个月 24小时尿蛋白定量5.2g,尿蛋白(+) ALB 27g/L Tg 2.5mmol/L,ch 8.4mmol/L2021/7/19 星期一5处理原则休息、低盐饮食糖皮质激素的应用降压血小板解聚药及抗凝必要时肾穿刺 激素疗效欠佳时加用CTX2021/7/19 星期一6尿 路感染urinary tract infection2021/7...
泌尿道感染(urinary tract infection ,UTI)简称尿感,是病原体直接侵入尿路,在尿液中生长繁殖,并侵犯尿道组织的感染性疾病。按病原体入侵的部位分为肾盂肾炎(pyelonephritis)、膀胱炎(cystitis)、尿道炎(urethritis) .前者为上尿路感染,后两者为下尿路感染。因定位困难统称为尿感。按临床表现可分为症状性泌尿道感染...
美 英 un.尿路感染;泌尿道感染 英汉 un. 1. 尿路感染 2. 泌尿道感染
Self-control: an important educational need in diabetic patients' mental health Introduction: Diabetes is a kind of chronic conditions which needs a kind of adaptation during all time, thus some behavioral and psychosocial adoptive mechanism should be considered by the patient.Lack of self-control sk...