Chapter 5 Urinary system Objectives After completing this chapter, you should be able to name and locate (on a diagram) the organs that compose the system, explain what the term renal refers to, define the term retroperitoneal; using a cross-section diagram of a kidney, locate the renal ...
The Urinary System 泌尿系统 The Urinary System 泌尿系统 Composition Ureter 输尿管-conduct urine from kidneys to bladder Kidney 肾-form urine Ureter 输尿管-conduct urine from kidneys to bladder Bladder 膀胱-receives and stores urine Urethra 尿道-conducts urine from bladder to exterior of body Ureter...
Related to urinary system:digestive system urinary system adult human urinary system urinary system n. The bodily system consisting of the organs that produce, collect, and eliminate urine and including the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. ...
Components of the urinary system Kidneys and ureters The kidneys are large, bean-shaped organs towards the back of the abdomen (belly). They lie behind a protective sheet of tissue within the abdomen. The kidneys perform many vital functions which are important in everyday life. For example, ...
1.FunctionsoftheUrinarySystem Theurinarysystemmaintainsanappropriatefluidvolumebyregulatingtheamountofwaterthatisexcretedintheurine.7 OtheraspectsofitsfunctionincluderegulatingtheconcentrationsofvariouselectrolytesinthebodyfluidsandmaintainingnormalpHoftheblood.8 Thekidneysarethemostimportantexcretoryorgan.The...
Urinary System | Anatomy, Organs & Diagram from Chapter 18 / Lesson 1 106K Explore the structure of the urinary system, learn which organs are part of it, and discover how these organs perform a vital function in the human body. Related...
URINARY TRACT STRUCTURE AND INFECTION Michael J. Field MD, BS, BSc(Hons), FRACP, ... Carol A. Pollock MB, BS, PhD, FRACP, in The Renal System (Second Edition), 2010 Aetiology and pathogenesis of urinary tract infection There are numerous differences in the clinical features, res...
On the other hand, the immunotherapy with intravesical Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine yields generally good outcomes for many non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients, which signifies that the immune-inflammation system, activated by the microbe in the vaccine, could play a ...
They were pathologically scored using the Gleason grading system [17] (primary histologic score + secondary histologic score = total score), with grade 1 cell differentiation scored at ≤ 6, grade 2 cell differentiation scored at 3 + 4 = 7, grade 3 cell differentiation ...
Kidney stones (renal calculi) It is the term commonly used to refer to stones, or calculi, in the urinary system. Stones form in the kidneys and may be found anywhere in the urinary system. They vary in size. Some stones cause great pain while others cause very little. The aim of trea...