Learn urinary system anatomy for free. What is in urine? How do the kidneys make urine? What is the difference between the male and female urinary system?
1、 Urinary System Content nComposition nAnatomy nPhysiology nCommon disease nExamination Composition Kidney Ureter Urinary bladder Urethra Part 1 kidney Bean-shape: a concave area on the edge toward the centre called hilum, where renal artery enters the kidney and renal vein leaves it. The ...
Urinary System泌尿系统全英文 UrinarySystem Content CompositionAnatomyPhysiologyCommondiseaseExamination Composition KidneyUreterUrinarybladderUrethra Part1 kidney Bean-shape:aconcaveareaontheedgetowardthecentrecalledhilum,whererenalarteryentersthekidneyandrenalveinleavesit.Theuretersalsoleavethekidneysatthehilum,...
The chapter discusses the microantomy of the urinary bladder including the description of the components of the renal parenchyma (renal microvasculature, the nephron, renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, the loop of Henle, distal tubule, juxtaglomerular apparatus, interstitium, collecting duct system, ...
系统解剖-泌尿系统-英文版UrinarySystem UrinarySystem泌尿系统 UrinarySystem泌尿系统 ★CompositionKidney肾-formurineUreter输尿管-conducturinefromkidneystobladderUrinarybladder膀胱-receivesandstoresurineUrethra尿道-conductsurinefrombladdertoexteriorofbody(discharged)Kidney肾 ★Generalfeatures...
stores urine 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 urinary bladder 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 7 建立者 katrinazomat8 1個月前建立 學生們也學習了 學習指南 patho chapter 33 (disorders of renal function) 36個詞語 Aaronbates4 預覽 Case Studies Renal (Alisa) 30個詞語 Shelby_2014 預覽 Week 4 Renal/Urologic Proble...
Skeletal System: Facts, Function & Diseases Skin: Facts, Diseases & Conditions Parts of the human body Bladder: Facts, Function & Disease Human Brain: Facts, Anatomy & Mapping Project Colon (Large Intestine): Facts, Function & Diseases Ears: Facts, Function & Disease Esophagus: Facts, Function...
Parts of the Urinary System We go to the bathroom several times a day without even thinking about the long journey our urine has to make. There are four main parts of the urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Let's look at each in more detail. ...
The urinary system is similar in all marsupials. Unique to marsupials is the path of the ureters from the kidney to the bladder. The ureters pass between the median and lateral vaginae on each side. This anatomy has consequences for surgical procedures of the female reproductive tract. In macr...