名称:urinary protein定性检测试剂盒(磺基水杨酸法),量大从优,博飞美科 货号:PM13283 规格:100T 【相关产品】: (1)6-羧基荧光素,USA,创赛中国,博飞美科,PM12987 (2)吖啶黄素,USA,创赛中国,博飞美科,PM12983 (3)次甲基兰,Amresco ,创赛中国,博飞美科,PM12979 ...
名称:urinary protein检测试剂盒(丽春红比色法),量大从优,博飞美科 货号:PM13284 规格:100T 【相关产品】: (1)6-羧基荧光素,USA,创赛中国,博飞美科,PM12987 (2)吖啶黄素,USA,创赛中国,博飞美科,PM12983 (3)次甲基兰,Amresco ,创赛中国,博飞美科,PM12979 (4)碘化丙碇,Sigma,博飞美科,PM12975 ...
What is Urinary Protein assay used for? Determination of Total Protein in urine and cerebrospinal fluid is valuable in the diagnosis ofrenaland central nervous system disorders respectively. Urinary protein elevations are commonly seen in the following conditions: strenuous exercise, fever and hypothermia...
urinary protein 尿蛋白汉英翻译 urine protein[医]尿蛋白质; 词组短语 尿蛋白定性PRO; Protein 尿蛋白排泄率UAER; urinary albumin excretion 尿蛋白电泳urinary protein electrophoresis; UPEP 双语例句 1. Current Labs: Hemoglobin, hematocrit, glucose, UA ; urine dipstick for protein. ...
尿蛋白 2. 尿蛋白(Urinary Protein):正常人尿液含有微量蛋白质,其量约50~80 mg/24 h或1~14 mg/dL。blog.sina.com.tw|基于9个网页 2. 蛋白尿 ...医院这样说,尿中蛋白含量超过正常范围称之为蛋白尿,蛋白尿(urinary protein)的原因很多,如尿路感染等,但最常见的 …yumei.zmhealth.com|基于2个网页©...
(2015) Urinary Protein/Creatinine Ratio Weighted by Estimated Urinary Creatinine Improves the Accuracy of Predicting Daily Proteinuria. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences , 1 /Urinary protein/creatinine ratio weighted by estimated urinary creatinine improves the accuracy of predicting daily ...
1) urinary protein/creatinine 尿蛋白/尿肌酐比2) urinary albumin-creatinine ratio 尿白蛋白肌酐比 1. The correlation between urinary albumin-creatinine ratio,high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and vascular lesions; 尿白蛋白肌酐比和高敏C反应蛋白与血管病变程度的相关性研究3) Urinary protein/creatinine...
设为首页 加入收藏 联系方式 首页>产品中心>生化试剂>医学诊断试剂 产品编号:P0097793CAS号: 分子式:分子量: EIENCS: 产品介绍
2) urinary protein/creatinine 尿蛋白/尿肌酐比 3) urinary albumin-creatinine ratio 尿白蛋白肌酐比 1. The correlation betweenurinary albumin-creatinine ratio,high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and vascular lesions; 尿白蛋白肌酐比和高敏C反应蛋白与血管病变程度的相关性研究 ...
Urinary Exosome Protein Database是专用于尿液外泌体蛋白的数据库, 库内有1160种蛋白质,里面的数据是基于上皮系统生物实验室(ESBL)已发表的蛋白质谱数据,所有数据均来源于健康志愿者尿液外泌体。这个数据库包含了用两种不同的质谱仪来鉴定人类尿外泌体的蛋白质。 Urinary Exosome Protein Database hpcwebapps.cit....