There are three ways to analyze urine, and your test might use all of them. One is a visual exam, which checks the color and clarity. If your pee hasbloodin it, it might be red or dark brown. Foam can be a sign of kidney disease, while cloudy urine may mean you have an infectio...
For example, a routine urinalysis will share results for gravity, pH, protein, glucose, ketones, occult blood, leukocyte esterase, nitrite, bilirubin, and urobilinogen. A 24-hour protein urinalysis test will indicate more specific levels of protein. For any measurements taken, the test report ma...
Our urine analyzers help you meet your operational and clinical metrics while also increasing test efficiency. Learn more about our urinalysis analyzers.
There are three ways to analyze urine, and your test might use all of them. One is a visual exam, which checks the color and clarity. If your pee hasbloodin it, it might be red or dark brown. Foam can be a sign of kidney disease, while cloudy urine may mean you have an infectio...
A urinalysis is a urine test that can test for drugs, pregnancy, or diseases and conditions such as urinary tract or kidney infection, kidney stones, kidney failure, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
Blood: Hemoglobin acts as a peroxidase. It can cause peroxidase to release neo-ecotypes oxide [O]. [O] oxidizes the indicator and causes the color change. Protein: The test is based on the protein-error-of-indicators principle. An ion in the specific pH ...
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Occasionally, the blood test pad will show positive for blood when there is muscle inflammation or injury, because damaged muscle fibers release a protein called myoglobin, which is very similar to hemoglobin. Myoglobin also causes the blood test pad to show positive, even though there is no act...
Positive blood and protein biochemical tests RBCs, WBCs, and renal tubular epithelial cells can be seen Granular and waxy casts can be seen Nephrotic syndrome: Nephrotic syndrome is increased permeability of the glomerulus. This can lead to hypoalbuminemia because albumin can now fit and exit in...
A thin base-plate 12 is pasted with urinalysis test reagent blocks of following items from front to back in turn: an urobilinogen reagent block 1, a bilirubin reagent block 2, an acetone body reagent block 3, a blood reagent block 4, a protein reagent block 5, a nitrite reagent block ...