Back in the early 20th century, physiologists determined that a powerful stimulus to open your bowels was eating food and they referred to this this as thegastro-colic reflex. It's often most potent after a fast and, thus, after breakfast. Babies generally void their bowels when the need pr...
Fecal color and consistency are well-known markers of digestive health in both children and adults, but paying attention to a newborn's shade of poop can be a decided lifesaver in babies born with the rare, liver-ravaging disorder biliary atresia, common
The dog looks innocently at the man. They stand that way for a few minutes, the man as vacant as the dog. “Come on, make poops.” The dog stares. “Here,” the man says. He pulls down his gray sweatpants, turns his buttocks to the road and squats. A turd slides out, ...