treatment outcomeurethraurethral strictureAim:Female urethral stricture disease is rare and has several surgical approaches including endoscopic dilations (ENDO), urethroplasty with local vaginal tissue flap (ULT) or urethroplasty with free graft (UFG). This study aims to describe the contemporary ...
, internal urethrotomy, and urethral reconstruction. Transvaginal sonography (TVS), with its high-resolution visualization of the lower urinary tract, may aid in diagnosis and less invasive treatment of lower urinary tract disorders. We present the sonographic findings in a case of urethral ...
Female urethral stricture disease is very rare, but can cause bothersome urinary tract symptoms. Because of rarity, knowledge of how to treat true female urethral strictures can be lacking. Strictures can be caused by infection, trauma, instrumentation, or prior urethral surgery. Treatment options ...
The optimal treatment of Overactive Bladder (OAB) symptoms in men with obstruction is controversial. Most data concerns OAB in patients with bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) secondary to prostatic enlargement, while little data exists for OAB in patients with BOO secondary to urethral stricture ...
We describe the diagnosis and treatment of urethral strictures in women. We retrospectively identified female urethral strictures from 1998 to 2010. Study inclusion criteria were 1) clinical diagnosis of stricture, 2) stricture seen on cystoscopy, 3) urethral obstruction on videourodynamics according to...
Urethral strictures are most common in men but can occur in women as well. Men over the age of 55 are most prone to urethral strictures.2 This article discusses the symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of urethral stricture, as well as treatment options and ways to prevent it. ...
The treatment of female urethral stricture disease is in flux in terms of developing guidelines for surgical treatment. Urethral strictures in women are rare, but frequently result because of urethral instrumentation or surgery. Stricture sites vary from proximal, intrasphincteric, distal or at the me...
UROCenter » For Women » Urethral Stricture Treatment New York Urethral Stricture Treatment New YorkI have an urethral stricture, What should I do?First, learn as much as you can about your options. Second, find a urologist who is expert and experienced in reconstructive surgery and ...
Potential adverse effects after surgery are new-onset USUI, urethrovaginal fistula and urethral stricture. The rate of onset of these potential adverse effects is low and related to the preoperative appearance of the diverticulum on an MRI scan and the complexity of the diverticulum....
Treatment consists in anastomotic urethroplasty, mainly through the abdominal approach. Keywords: Female urethroplasty; pelvic fracture urethral injury; fistula; urethra; stricture1. Introduction Urethral injury in females with pelvic fractures is very rare [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. The literature on ...